New Madden 08 hands-on previews and video interview
Both IGN and Gamespot have posted up extended impressions from first hand looks at Madden 08. IGN has also posted a video interview with producer David Ortiz which also shows off some gameplay footage. You can check out the video on IGN's page or you can view it here by clicking through to the full article.
Highlights from the writeups:
the game just feels much more like pro football than it ever has on next-gen consoles. Players now respond to your every touch so there's no more gett...
First NBA Live 08 gameplay videos
IGN has posted up two gameplay vids from NBA Live 08 with a build dated June 14th. One features the Lakers vs Suns and the other has the Finals matchup of Cavs vs Spurs. You can view the videos through IGN's video page. You can also view them here via youtube by clicking through to the full article.
These were rather short clips and the selection of them seems curious as they don't show off much or anything exciting in particular.
This does however give a chance to get familiar with the ne...
Madden 08 sideline catches video
Last week it was gang tackling that was given the spotlight. This week in his producer blog, Ian Cummings displays some of the sideline catches that are new to Madden 08 this year.
Some notes from Cummings:
You can see how we actually take awareness into account on these videos - a highly rated player like Gates is consistently getting his feet in, but then you can see a player like Vincent Jackson who's rated lower than Gates still can play the catch but possibly not get his feet in.
Full half of videos from NCAA Football 08
Below you can find a full half of NCAA Football 08 video featuring California @ Florida State. In total there is nearly 26 minutes of footage. Below is the first of five videos, the remaining ones can be found by continuing through to the full article if you are viewing from the homepage.
NCAA Football 08 recruiting video walkthrough
A new video has been released and it concentrates on the recruiting aspect of Dynasty mode. The details on the mode just came out and this video which is approximately 4 minutes long takes you through it. Getting to actually see the aspects involved will translate better for many than just reading about them.
All-Pro Football 2K8 trailer
2K Sports has released the first official trailer for All-Pro Football 2K8. Notes on the trailer follow below it.
What I took from this trailer:
-The framerate didn't seem consistent. Is the game going to be locked in at 60fps? We haven't heard yes or no and that could be worrysome.
-A real 2K5ish look and feel to it. That isn't necessarily bad although it seems that a lot was borrowed from a three year old game.
-The player models just don't seem right, especially how skinn...
Madden 08 gang tackling video
Via EA's producer blogs comes a new video Madden 08 video. In Ian Cummings' entry today is a focused look at the gang tackling.
Videos can't show the game changing difference this technology has made for us (and for you all). I tried to get a really good 4 man one, but only got ones where the defender fell backwards at first. This isn't always the case, but it was the best I could do with the time…getting a "true" 4 man pileup proved kind of difficult.
Despite the disclaimer he makes about it ...
NCAA Football 08 Fiesta Bowl video
Check out this new video from NCAA Football 08.
The memorable winning play from the Fiesta Bowl for Boise State, the Statue of Liberty 2 point conversion, is replicated using the game.