Posts Tagged ‘Videos’
  • NCAA Football 11: 120 Ways to Win Trailer
    Posted May 12th, 2010 at 7:57 pm 47 Comments »
    EA Sports has released a new video for NCAA Football 11 focusing on the "120 Ways to Win" mantra. Involved in that is the implementation of authentic offenses which was detailed in an earlier video. Within this trailer there is also a look at some more of the authentic team entrances that certain schools will have this year and more elements of presentation. Continue on to watch the video and leave your thoughts in the comments! (more…)...
  • Madden 11 Run Blocking Detailed
    Posted May 12th, 2010 at 1:10 pm 67 Comments »
    EA Sports has posted a new blog for Madden 11 that goes over the improvements to blocking in the running game. Four different run plays are featured with the Power O, HB Counter, HB Stretch, and Inside Zone broken down. You can check out the full blog posting here. The new Run Blocking AI will open up more running lanes and allow users to establish a true ground attack like we see proficient running teams do on Sunday. It all starts with blocking, without blocking the greatest running back...
  • NCAA Football 11 Authentic Team Entrances
    Posted May 4th, 2010 at 3:26 pm 164 Comments »
    EA Sports has released a new blog going into detail on the pregame team entrances for NCAA Football 11. The blog goes into detail on how they were built and includes a few screenshots of unique entrances. Some of the schools mentioned to have received custom entrances are Clemson, Notre Dame, Miami, Nebraska, Florida, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia Tech, and Florida State. You can check out the blog posting in full here. It was import for us to create a sense of nostalgia and identity with each...
  • UFC 2010 H2H Demo Videos
    Posted May 2nd, 2010 at 7:51 pm 24 Comments »
    Earlier I posted up a few videos from the UFC 2010 Undisputed demo featuring action vs the CPU. Now here is a set of them with myself taking on Jerkfacefave. I only won a couple of the fights, of which we must have played about 20 of them, but I made sure to include those victories amongst this group of videos. Continue on to watch and leave your thoughts in the comments! (more…)...
  • UFC 2010 Demo Videos
    Posted May 1st, 2010 at 11:22 am 37 Comments »
    With the demo for UFC 2010 Undisputed hitting late Thursday night for members of the Undisputed community website, I wanted to get some videos out of some early fights I've taken part in. These were set on the "experienced" difficulty level which has proven to be challenging as I get back into the rhythm and learn something new with each subsequent fight. I'm really enjoying the demo and taking notes as I go for an impressions posting to come by Monday. I'll also get up some demo videos from h...
  • NCAA 11: Real Assignment AI
    Posted April 30th, 2010 at 3:43 pm 72 Comments »
    EA Sports has posted a new blog detailing improvements to blocking assignments in the run game for NCAA Football 11. There is also a video that demonstrates a few of the changes by comparing NCAA 10 to NCAA 11. Check out the full blog posting here where some new screenshots are included along with explanations of the changes and effects they have. In NCAA Football 11 you’re going to find shotgun runs to be more effective than they have ever been in any of our games. In college football sh...
  • Tecmo Bowl Throwback Gameplay Vids
    Posted April 29th, 2010 at 12:38 am 45 Comments »
    I went ahead and recorded a couple quick videos from Tecmo Bowl Throwback. I have mixed feelings on the game right now, which I'll lay out in an upcoming impressions posting, but these videos are a good opportunity to at least see the game in action. The first video is a scoring drive where I switched between "3D" and "2D" views to display the difference, while the final two videos come out of an online game. Continue on to watch and leave your thoughts in the comments! (more…)...
  • Madden 11 GameFlow Video
    Posted April 28th, 2010 at 2:01 pm 85 Comments »
    The introduction of the GameFlow play-calling system in Madden 11 is clearly going to be the feature that gets the most promotion this year. It seems that EA Sports believes this feature will have wide spread appeal and bring in some gamers who may be intimidated by the intricacies of the game. It has already been discussed in some videos, brief details laid out in the press release, previewed by various sites, and got spotlighted in the first trailer. Now EA has posted an even more detaile...