Posts Tagged ‘Videos’
  • Has Someone Already Won the MLB 2K11 Perfect Game Contest?
    Posted April 8th, 2011 at 11:00 am 43 Comments »
    By all accounts the $1 Million Perfect Game Contest for MLB 2K11 has proven to be more challenging than that of MLB 2K10 which ended on the very first day. Whether it be due to the difficulty being adjusted, the addition of errors and less reliable fielding, or any number of bugs or freezing issues there has been more frustration communicated about the contest this year. It now appears though that at least one person has achieved a perfect game within the special dedicated mode as a video h...
  • Forza Motorsport 4 Preview Video
    Posted April 1st, 2011 at 1:15 pm 11 Comments »
    This is probably the worst day for anything legitimate to leak out, but from all accounts the gameplay preview video for Forza Motorsport 4 is the real thing. Features are discussed including the Kinect implementation, graphics, career mode, and online play. Continue on to check out the video and leave any thoughts in the comments! (more…)...
  • Brief WWE All-Stars Online Impressions
    Posted March 28th, 2011 at 1:30 pm 13 Comments »
    As an arcade-style game WWE All-Stars has a lot riding on its head-to-head experience and in particular online play. THQ has struggled with online in other titles due to severe performance issues and a lack of options. In the case of WWE All-Stars it appears they may have turned a corner and delivered an all-around enjoyable experience.  (more…)...
  • WWE All-Stars Fantasy Warfare Mode
    Posted March 26th, 2011 at 7:30 pm 3 Comments »
    Though "Path of Champions" is the main story mode in WWE All-Stars and provides much of the offline depth there is also the "Fantasy Warfare" mode to play through. 15 matchups with a legend vs current superstar have been created with each having a personalized storyline based on the history of those involved. (more…)...
  • Brief Thoughts on WWE All-Stars Path of Champions Mode and Elimination Video
    Posted March 25th, 2011 at 6:30 pm 14 Comments »
    Without going into any spoilers "Path of Champions" is the story mode for WWE All-Stars that involves completing a series of 10 matches that culminates in a title shot. There really isn't much of a story involved, it is more akin to the champion cutting promos to build anticipation and doesn't feature any interaction such as run-ins, but it works just well enough to get the user invested in the process. The 10 matches are mixed up nicely to provide variety by utilizing the different match t...
  • WWE All-Stars Tornado Tag Team Video
    Posted March 24th, 2011 at 6:30 pm 11 Comments »
    Today I thought I'd get up a match featuring multiple users instead of just one vs the CPU and did so with a 'Tornado Tag Team' match. I've found myself favoring the matches that have more than just the standard two participants. The action is pretty much non-stop and the long cinematics for certain moves are cut in favor of the seeing them play out in real-time. It is even more fun when multiple people are involved, though the CPU AI is really respectable all things considered. I just co...
  • WWE All-Stars Triple Threat Video
    Posted March 23rd, 2011 at 5:45 pm 36 Comments »
    With WWE All-Stars in hand I'm looking at producing some content for the game each day through its release next week. Up first is a video of a triple threat match involving The Rock, John Cena, and Hulk Hogan. Those three were the most requested on Twitter when I sent out the message for who should face off in the video earlier today. This is a quick look at the mode which has a little bit of everything. When multiple participants are in the ring your wrestler can focus on one by using th...
  • Madden 12 Debut Teaser Trailer
    Posted March 22nd, 2011 at 7:05 am 151 Comments »
    EA Sports has released the first trailer for Madden NFL 12. The teaser trailer provides the initial glimpses at the upcoming game and also reveals some features set to be introduced. One that stood out was the "Custom Playbooks" which has been long requested and will be a very welcome addition. There is more to pour over and pick out of the trailer than just that including what appears to be player "tendencies", "dynamic ratings", mascots and cheerleaders, and the surprise onside kicks. J...