FIFA 12 Off-Screen Gameplay Footage
FIFA 12 is on the show floor at Gamescom where it has already won an award for 'Best Console Game' and just yesterday had the demo announced for arrival on September 13th. Coming out of the event are plenty of gameplay videos (captured off-screen) to check out. (more…)...
Latest Trailer for UFC Undisputed 3
THQ has released a new trailer for UFC Undisputed 3 that concentrates primarily on the combat elements. This follows up on some early gameplay footage that leaked out of the appearance made at EVO. Get a look at aspects such as knockouts, new mechanics and submissions, and leg kick TKO's in the video. (more…)...
Watch Another Half of Madden NFL 12
EA Sports has released another two videos offering the opportunity to watch directly-captured gameplay footage of Madden NFL 12. Comprising of the first and second quarter (final build) with the Baltimore Ravens at Pittsburgh Steelers in the rain it does not use the base rosters as some of the player movement – that will be made when the first roster update arrives in time for release – has been manually completed. These follow up the Eagles at Falcons videos from last week. Continue on ...
Watch a Full Half of Madden NFL 12
EA Sports has released two videos offering the first chance to watch directly-captured gameplay footage of Madden NFL 12. Comprising of the first and second quarter (final build) with the Philadelphia Eagles at Atlanta Falcons it does not use the base rosters as some of the player movement - that will be made when the first roster update arrives in time for release - has been manually completed. Continue on to watch and make sure to leave any thoughts in the comments! (more…)...
NBA 2K12 Introduces NBA’s Greatest Mode
With the NBA lockout threatening the season it was expected that 2K Sports would put into place new features that would present appeal beyond just today's NBA. Signs of that first emerged with the split covers (Jordan/Bird/Magic) and now the company has announced a new mode expanding last year's "Jordan Challenge" into "NBA's Greatest".
"NBA's Greatest" mode will incorporate the most famous games and performances of 15 different legends. Those teams and legends will be unlocked after comp...
First UFC Undisputed 3 Gameplay Videos
The first chance to get a look at UFC Undisputed 3 - due out January 2012 - has come thanks to the game being shown off at EVO in Las Vegas this weekend. The first couple off-screen videos show entrances and gameplay action in the Pride setting with Chuck Liddell vs Rampage Jackson. The third video which has Urijah Faber vs Dominick Cruz provides an opportunity to get a clear look at the new submission system which was a huge point of contention coming out of E3. The on-screen graphics have ...
Viral Video Becomes Inspiration for Madden NFL 12 Achievement
The list of Xbox 360 achievements/PS3 trophies recently arrived for Madden NFL 12. Many of the achievements are based on duplicating or exceeding the extraordinary performances turned in by individual players last season. The most notable achievement though doesn't have to do with real life performance - instead it requires the replication of one play's result from an ultra popular Madden 11 user-created video. (more…)...
New NHL 12 Feature Videos
EA Sports has released two new videos focusing on big features being introduced in NHL 12. Following up on the Be a Pro "Revamped" trailer from last week attention is turned to 'Anticipation AI' and 'Dynamic Goalies'. The three together make up what is being referred to as the "hat trick of innovations" for NHL 12. Continue on to check out the videos and leave any thoughts in the comments! (more…)...