Posts Tagged ‘Videos’
  • NBA Jam Adds Euroleague Teams
    Posted August 31st, 2011 at 11:30 am 3 Comments »
    For the first time Euroleague teams are being included in an NBA licensed product. EA Sports and Euroleague Basketball have agreed to a licensing deal that will introduce teams comprised of players from the Turkish Airlines Euroleague Final Four into NBA Jam: On Fire Edition. Amongst the players included will be Dimitris Diamantidis and Mike Batiste of Panathinaikos Athens, Lior Eliyahu and Sofoklis Schortsanitis of Maccabi Electra Tel Aviv, Bo McCalebb and Ksistof Lavrinovic of Montepasc...
  • Madden NFL 12 Franchise Mode Impressions
    Posted August 26th, 2011 at 6:10 am 229 Comments »
    After taking a year off from improvements EA Sports made a strong effort to deliver with Franchise mode in Madden NFL 12 and have succeeded in doing so. With expanded rosters and cut days, scouting for the draft, a new free agency system, and improved logic in several areas Franchise mode is more compelling than ever.  (more…)...
  • Madden NFL 12 Videos and Screenshots
    Posted August 26th, 2011 at 6:05 am 72 Comments »
    Here is a look at Madden NFL 12 in action! Two games are featured with both having been played on default All-Pro difficulty. The first involves the Tennessee Titans at Kansas City Chiefs in the Wild Card game of franchise mode. The second is an exhibition match-up with the New York Jets at New England Patriots in the snow. Check out all the screen grabs in the gallery or FB album and continue on to watch the series of videos! (more…)...
  • Madden NFL 12 Superstar Mode Impressions
    Posted August 26th, 2011 at 6:00 am 50 Comments »
    The career mode in the Madden series has been largely left to rot over recent years and though it received some attention in Madden NFL 12 it fails to provide any intrigue. Putting aside Online Franchise which went untouched Superstar mode is the most disappointing aspect of Madden 12 and pales in comparison to the flawed but improved Road to Glory in NCAA Football 12.  (more…)...
  • NBA 2K12 Trailer for NBA’s Greatest Mode
    Posted August 22nd, 2011 at 5:30 pm 88 Comments »
    2K Sports has released a trailer for 'NBA's Greatest' mode in NBA 2K12. The mode this year expands on the concept introduced with 'The Jordan Challenge' last year by offering 15 different legends with a classic game from their career. Winning the games will unlock the respective teams to use in other areas of 2K12. Games are presented in the television style of their day and will include special visual touches and reflect the proper league rules for when they took place. If you missed it ...
  • UFC Undisputed 3 Off-Screen Footage
    Posted August 22nd, 2011 at 11:15 am 19 Comments »
    Joining FIFA 12 and NBA 2K12 at the Gamescom convention was UFC Undisputed 3. Though some early gameplay footage leaked out last month and THQ has released a series of official trailers this represents another opportunity to check out how UFC 3 is shaping up at this stage of development. Continue on to check out a set of videos recorded off-screen from the event and leave any thoughts in the comments! (Update: As a courtesy to THQ who asked I've removed the videos. They are still easily acc...
  • Free Agent Bidding Process in Madden 12
    Posted August 20th, 2011 at 3:47 pm 68 Comments »
    EA Sports has released a video providing an opportunity to get a look at the new auction-style bidding process for free agents in Madden NFL 12. The new system has been implemented in Franchise mode which will put a 'timer' on each free agent with the highest bid winning the right to negotiate the final contract terms and complete the signing. (more…)...
  • NBA 2K12 Off-Screen Gameplay Footage
    Posted August 18th, 2011 at 9:45 am 66 Comments »
    Along with FIFA 12 the other prominent sports title on display at Gamescom this week is NBA 2K12 - though it is seeing considerably less footage emerge out of the event so far. The first opportunity to check out 2K12 gameplay actually came back at E3 with the PlayStation Move demonstration. Presumably the demo on the floor of this event would be a better representation of what to expect and more satisfying for those hoping to analyze some footage. Now at least one video has made its way o...