Check Out The Shoes Featured in NBA 2K12
A video has surfaced showing all the default shoes available in NBA 2K12 - featuring Footlocker which essentially houses them and NikeID. Nike, Adidas, Converse, and Reebok shoes are available however it appears none from Under Armour.
It's NikeID that is the most interesting inclusion as the service is about personally customizing merchandise. NBA 2K12 will allow for sneakers to be semi-custom designed by working off nine that in the game. Colors for the underlay, collar, midsole, base,...
Latest Trailer for SSX
EA Sports has been making the rounds with SSX at various events but there is still a lot of time to go until its January release - so they are starting to fill in with more media before getting deeper into feature reveals and gameplay. The most recent trailer for SSX is here and shows off some of the more insane stunts and terrain featured in the game. Though it doesn't have the same look of the SSX of old it brings some really unique elements into play - and has distanced itself from the fi...
NBA 2K12 User-Created Gameplay Videos
The news on NBA 2K12 started pouring out yesterday - with everything from player ratings to the first information on Association mode and online play. The latter came from those who have obtained copies of the game already which also has led to gameplay videos being posted. To this point 2K Sports has only released one official video - while other glimpses at the game have come from off-screen recorded footage or through the demo.
Though most of the videos showing up are not great quality...
FIFA 12’s Impact Engine Proving Problematic
The demo for FIFA 12 released last week offering the opportunity to experience the enhancements made for the latest iteration in the intensely popular series first-hand. One of the most heralded features is the new "Impact Engine" which is intended to deliver more realistic player interaction and outcomes. Unfortunately many are finding bizarre moments being driven by the new physics engine. (more…)...
First UFC Undisputed 3 Direct Capture Gameplay Video
With a few months still to go until its planned release in January there have been a series of gameplay videos to come out of events for UFC Undisputed 3. Those off-screen recordings though can be more difficult to judge that directly captured HD-quality video (especially considering the early build nature) which THQ has just unveiled the first of in a planned series.
This first video concentrates on showing off ground work and submissions - and though a full match some editing has been d...
First NBA 2K12 Direct Capture Gameplay Video Features Clippers at Celtics
There have been plenty of off-screen gameplay videos for NBA 2K12 that have come out of various events over the last few months but today brings the first directly captured HD-quality footage. In this video provided to Operation Sports the Los Angeles Clippers (CPU) visit the Boston Celtics (User) with full pre-game and the entirety of a six minute first quarter. Continue on to watch and leave your thoughts and observations in the comments! (more…)...
Unlock the Gatorade Celebration in Madden NFL 12 and Prepare to be Disappointed
There currently resides a video on the Madden NFL 12 menu entitled "Unlock the Ultimate Celebration". As with all the streaming videos it pauses every couple seconds making for a frustrating watch - and curiously doesn't even provide the information needed to pull off the special in-game Gatorade celebration. Instead EA Sports tweeted out the specifics yesterday and I went through the process to try it out and record it.
In the final 30 seconds of a victory press the following in at the s...
Latest Trailer for NBA 2K12
2K Sports has followed up on the first trailer for NBA 2K12, which focused on legends and historic teams, by releasing a new trailer today that interchanges the legends and current NBA players. It's all flash and little substance but that is what typically comes out of this type of trailer - and there are gameplay videos from Gamescom to check out to get a better feel for 2K12 for those seeking more.
Though only a little over a month remains until release 2K has been secretive regarding m...