Posts Tagged ‘latest news’
  • Madden 10 Team and Player Ratings
    Posted June 8th, 2009 at 7:48 am 2,847 Comments »
    While at E3 I was able to grab the team overall ratings for Madden 10. I also have access to the player ratings. These may not necessarily be final however they will provide at the very least a good idea of what to expect. A while back Donny Moore stated that the Pats, Steelers, and Eagles were the top three teams however in this build the Giants have overtaken the Eagles. Continue on to check out the team ratings. Leave any requests for specific player ratings in the comments and I'll re...
  • E3: Madden NFL 10 Impressions
    Posted June 5th, 2009 at 5:54 pm 322 Comments »
    The improvements to Madden 10 were quickly evident at E3. Many of them are visual which means you're immediately exposed to them and they are impossible to miss. Others such as the game speed are readily apparent as well. That suited it well to the environment that E3 offers where time with the game can be limited and the crowds can affect the experience. Reaction to Madden has been overwhelmingly positive for the most part and it received multiple "Game of E3" nominations while there. Conti...
  • E3: NCAA Football 10 Impressions
    Posted June 4th, 2009 at 5:59 am 144 Comments »
    During the first day of E3 I played NCAA Football 10 on the default Varsity difficulty. I made the statement in my brief recap that the game had a very similar feel to 09 and it seems people ran with that as though it meant it wasn't changed or improved which is not the case. The differences are just not as obvious as the ones Madden received. After bumping it up to All-American the improvements made to the game became more evident. The adaptive AI has a strong presence and I'll describe ...
  • Kobe Bryant NBA 2K10 Cover Athlete
    Posted June 4th, 2009 at 3:27 am 116 Comments »
    The cover of NBA 2K10 is set to be announced tonight with Kobe Bryant taking the honors. Bryant has been on the cover of numerous other NBA games in the past most recently on SCEA's NBA series. He averaged 26.8 ppg this season and nearly 30 ppg in the playoffs and has helped to lead the Lakers to the NBA Finals. There is another angle to the cover announcement. There are four different versions of the cover to choose from and 2K Sports is going to let the public vote to decide which one u...
  • Madden 10 Brings Online Franchise
    Posted June 1st, 2009 at 7:02 pm 194 Comments »
    As hoped for the big online announcement for Madden 10 was the inclusion of Online Franchise mode. Rather than if  Peter Moore would be revealing Online Franchise the main question going in centered around whether it would be as fully featured as consumers would associate with a mode by such a name. Based on the trailer shown at the EA press conference and the audience reaction it appears this will not be a let down. Announced on stage at the EA E3 2009 press conference, Madden NFL 10 Onli...
  • Teambuilder Website Goes Live
    Posted June 1st, 2009 at 4:12 am 174 Comments »
    As I alluded to in the E3 preview there was the distinct possibility that Teambuilder would launch during the event. That has in fact occurred as the site is now up and open. Click here to visit and begin creating on the Teambuilder website for NCAA Football 10! I'm definitely interested in seeing what people come up with so feel free to leave info about your teams in the comments. The Pastapadre community team is coming together in the forum where members have taken on positions on the t...
  • Online Dynasty, Seahawks Alternates Slip Out?
    Posted May 29th, 2009 at 4:34 pm 108 Comments »
    As noticed in the video revealing online co-op in Madden 10 last night lead designer Ian Cummings makes reference to Online Franchise. Obviously most are now expecting that Online Franchise is the big announcement coming on Monday. It does seem likely, though I remain somewhat hesitant to jump right in to that assumption and get my hopes up too high. Given that EA isn't going to clarify anything to do with online co-op until Monday that makes me believe that the two are tied together in s...
  • Lawsuit Threatens Future of College Sports Games
    Posted May 8th, 2009 at 6:09 am 218 Comments »
    Over the last couple days there has been a great deal of talk around a lawsuit filed by former ASU and Nebraska QB Sam Keller. In the class action suit he claims that the NCAA and EA Sports profited off his name as they do all other collegiate football and basketball athletes in games such as NCAA Football and NCAA Basketball. He cites the players in the games as having the same number, representative player ratings, similar builds and accurate hometowns of the actual players. Of course no ...