Posts Tagged ‘latest news’
  • Screenshot Comparisons: Madden 11 vs Madden 10
    Posted April 2nd, 2010 at 1:51 pm 62 Comments »
    Already having four screenshots that have been released to date for Madden 11, I've gone into Madden 10 and pulled out similar shots to put side by side. The lighting, skin tone, and jerseys show the most improvement but overall the graphics are not drastically different. In the Miles Austin comparison you can see a failed sideline catch compared to how the animation should trigger in Madden 11. Continue on to check out the screenshot comparisons and leave your thoughts in the comments! (m...
  • 2010 FIFA World Cup Fact Sheet
    Posted April 2nd, 2010 at 12:35 pm 72 Comments »
    With only a little over three weeks until release, the full list of features for 2010 FIFA World Cup has been made available. In addition to that is a new video that provides an extensive tutorial of the penalty kick system. Continue on to read up on the full fact sheet and check out the new video. As always feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments! (more…)...
  • Weekend Box Office Predictions 4/2
    Posted April 2nd, 2010 at 11:28 am 1 Comment »
    Three new movies hit the box office this weekend with Clash of the Titans expected to run away with the crown. The sequel Why Did I Get Married Too? and the novel adaptation The Last Song also have relatively strong weekends ahead. (more…)...
  • 2K Sports Plans To Support Motion Controls
    Posted April 1st, 2010 at 7:06 pm 15 Comments »
    Based on a statement given in an interview with the[a]listdaily, 2K Sports has made their intention known of supporting the upcoming motion control systems for the PS3 and 360. Playstation Move and Project Natal will both be out in time for the holidays. The discussion was more regarding Move, but it would seem likely that they are looking at offering Natal supported products as well. Presumably the motion controls would be instituted in next year's games and would not be patched into any t...
  • Joss Whedon May Be In The Running To Direct The Avengers
    Posted April 1st, 2010 at 6:01 pm 2 Comments »
    Now that all the Captain America casting rumors are in the past, the focus has moved on to finding out who will direct The Avengers. Marvel has apparently narrowed down the possibilities to a short list which so far has not been leaked. However one name is being reported to be on that very list and it is an intriguing one...Joss Whedon. According to IESB this is "not an April Fools joke" though some are hesitant to buy into the news still given the date. At one time Whedon was writing the s...
  • Alarming Dissatisfaction Numbers For This Year’s MLB Titles
    Posted April 1st, 2010 at 11:20 am 65 Comments »
    Last week I posted up polls to gauge the reaction to MLB 10: The Show and MLB 2K10. The results are very interesting. While 2K10 fell about where would be anticipated, the general sense that there is growing discontent towards The Show has been confirmed. Given that the expectations for the two titles were completely different, the numbers are better looked at to analyze the games as individuals rather than for any sort of comparison. (more…)...
  • Second Trailer for The A-Team
    Posted April 1st, 2010 at 10:05 am 2 Comments »
    Fox has released a brand new trailer for The A-Team. The adaptation of the TV show which began in 1983 stars Bradley Cooper (Lt Templeton ā€˜Facemanā€™ Peck), Quinton ā€œRampageā€ Jackson (Sgt Bosco ā€˜B.A.ā€™ Baracus), Sharlto Copely (Capt ā€˜Howling Madā€™ Murdock) and Liam Neeson (Col John ā€˜Hannibalā€™ Smith). In the movie they play Iraq War veterans attempting to clear their name with the U.S. military after they are framed for a crime. The A-Team is slated to release on June 11th. ...
  • More on the Draft Day Ratings Suggestions
    Posted March 31st, 2010 at 3:57 pm 12 Comments »
    Given some of the reaction to the news that fans will have the opportunity to affect rookie player ratings in Madden 11, EA Sports has clarified some of the details on how much influence will actually be had. Peter Moore made a statement that the average rating from the fans would be the baseline with adjustments being made afterwards, however it appears the procedure will be completely different. Donny Moore will be setting the initial rating for players which will be released during the d...