Posts Tagged ‘latest news’
  • UFC 2010 Demo May Be Further Delayed
    Posted April 29th, 2010 at 6:06 pm 29 Comments »
    For the most part the whole troubled demo situation for UFC 2010 Undisputed has been magnified by a lack of communication. Much of that was discussed in the earlier article, as codes were supposed to come out in the early AM hours but never did, and it wasn't until after noon pacific time that THQ provided any sort of update. That was to announce the code distribution would be delayed until the evening hours. The most recent official update was one saying they are "working on getting them out ...
  • Review: A Nightmare on Elm Street
    Posted April 29th, 2010 at 5:46 pm 12 Comments »
    Several horror franchises have successfully rebooted over the past few years by offering an updated stylistic look and fresh take on the stories. The Platinum Dunes production company has been behind a few of those including Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Friday the 13th. A Nightmare on Elm Street will not be able to lay claim to a similar feat as the others. Jackie Earle Haley did a good enough job as a replacement for Robert Englund in the role of Freddy Krueger. However the other performanc...
  • Trailer for Jonah Hex
    Posted April 29th, 2010 at 12:21 pm No Comments »
    Warner Brothers has released the full theatrical trailer for Jonah Hex. The movie based on the DC comic stars Josh Brolin, Megan Fox, and John Malkovich. I saw this trailer at a screening of A Nightmare on Elm Street last night (review coming tonight) and it was probably the highlight of the evening. Jonah Hex is slated to release on June 18. Having cheated death, gunslinger and bounty hunter Jonah Hex (Josh Brolin) has one foot in the natural world and one in the supernatural realm. Jonah's ...
  • Rough Start to UFC 2010 Demo Process
    Posted April 29th, 2010 at 11:44 am 50 Comments »
    The big news of the day was to be the release of the demo for UFC 2010 Undisputed. As noted previously, codes are being given out to all members of the UFC 2010 community site. They were supposed to be released in the early AM hours. Not only has that not happened yet, but the site has been down throughout the morning as it struggles to deal with the traffic, and THQ has not updated the community at all on the events that are taking place. When the info about the distribution of the demo ca...
  • Trailer for Secretariat
    Posted April 29th, 2010 at 8:52 am No Comments »
    Disney has released the first trailer for Secretariat. The movie is based on the real life events of the horse which went on to win the Triple Crown in 1973. Directed by Randall Wallace (The Man in the Iron Mask, We Were Soldiers) it stars John Malkovich, Diane Lane, and James Cromwell. Secretariat is slated to release on October 8. Based on the impossible true story, SECRETARIAT chronicles the spectacular journey of the 1973 Triple Crown winner. Housewife and mother Penny Chenery (DIANE LANE...
  • Tecmo Bowl Throwback Gameplay Vids
    Posted April 29th, 2010 at 12:38 am 45 Comments »
    I went ahead and recorded a couple quick videos from Tecmo Bowl Throwback. I have mixed feelings on the game right now, which I'll lay out in an upcoming impressions posting, but these videos are a good opportunity to at least see the game in action. The first video is a scoring drive where I switched between "3D" and "2D" views to display the difference, while the final two videos come out of an online game. Continue on to watch and leave your thoughts in the comments! (more…)...
  • Madden 11 GameFlow Video
    Posted April 28th, 2010 at 2:01 pm 85 Comments »
    The introduction of the GameFlow play-calling system in Madden 11 is clearly going to be the feature that gets the most promotion this year. It seems that EA Sports believes this feature will have wide spread appeal and bring in some gamers who may be intimidated by the intricacies of the game. It has already been discussed in some videos, brief details laid out in the press release, previewed by various sites, and got spotlighted in the first trailer. Now EA has posted an even more detaile...
  • The Ring 3D in the Works
    Posted April 28th, 2010 at 11:32 am 1 Comment »
    The next franchise in line for the 3D reinvention has begun development as news on The Ring 3D hit yesterday. The Ring released in 2002 and followed up with a sequel in 2005. Combined they made over $200 million domestically and performed exceptionally overseas. Counting in the foreign takes they made over $400 million. The sequel dropped off though by nearly half which is why the idea of another film was shelved. Of course the 3D craze is giving studios the motivation to resurrect old franchi...