Posts Tagged ‘latest news’
  • 2010 FIFA World Cup Impressions
    Posted May 5th, 2010 at 4:25 pm 267 Comments »
    Over the last year or so I've really started to take more of an interest in soccer, and though I've found myself enjoying the FIFA franchise it has been to a somewhat limited extent. I've spent most of my gaming time with Online Team Play which has provided for the cooperative play where I could concentrate on a single position and learn the game in the process. The actual standard mode hasn't been all that compelling to me. In the past I've had a tendency to enjoy the off-year FIFA tit...
  • Madden 11 Pre-Release Reviews Limited to Single Event Viewing (Update)
    Posted May 5th, 2010 at 1:50 pm 76 Comments »
    (Update) According to a statement from EA, they are in fact going to send out review copies before the review embargo is lifted. They did not however deny that there will be a "review event" held or detail the timeline involved with that and when copies would go out. Not too long ago Activision took a lot of heat for a review tactic they used with Tony Hawk: Ride. Any publication that wanted to publish a pre-release review was granted the opportunity to do so by attending a play "event"....
  • UFC 2010 Undisputed Fighter Ratings
    Posted May 5th, 2010 at 12:46 pm 39 Comments »
    The overall ratings for each fighter in UFC 2010 Undisputed has been revealed over at Gamezone. These apparently come from a preview build which means they may not be finalized. Interestingly no fighter comes in rated higher than a 79. How the scale works may simply be different than the normal up to 99 that is found in most sports games. Maybe of more concern is that there is not much separation between the premiere fighters and everyone else. Only 9-11 points separate the top rated from t...
  • MLB 2K10 $1 Million Won on First Day
    Posted May 5th, 2010 at 11:35 am 49 Comments »
    2K Sports has announced the winner of the $1 million Perfect Game Contest. The man who won, Wade McGilberry of Alabama, pitched the perfect game on the first day of the contest. By delaying any announcement until now 2K was able to continue advertising the contest in MLB 2K10 commercials even though it had essentially been over since day one. On the first day there were multiple reports coming out of people having pitched perfect games, with some even going as far as to post the code that s...
  • Review: Iron Man 2
    Posted May 5th, 2010 at 11:15 am 7 Comments »
    The most anticipated movie of the summer is nearly here as Iron Man 2 hits theaters on Friday. As with any follow-up to a hugely successful film the expectations are off the charts. Can Iron Man 2 live up to them and avoid the potential for disappointment? The simple answer is yes, it absolutely has achieved at least that much. (more…)...
  • NCAA Football 11 Authentic Team Entrances
    Posted May 4th, 2010 at 3:26 pm 164 Comments »
    EA Sports has released a new blog going into detail on the pregame team entrances for NCAA Football 11. The blog goes into detail on how they were built and includes a few screenshots of unique entrances. Some of the schools mentioned to have received custom entrances are Clemson, Notre Dame, Miami, Nebraska, Florida, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia Tech, and Florida State. You can check out the blog posting in full here. It was import for us to create a sense of nostalgia and identity with each...
  • Trailer for Secret JJ Abrams Project Debuting With Iron Man 2
    Posted May 4th, 2010 at 12:11 pm 4 Comments »
    When the trailer for Cloverfield arrived from out of nowhere while attached to Transformers it created a ton of buzz that ultimately carried all the way to a big opening for a movie which had no big name stars. That trailer didn't even include the eventual name for the movie, instead just throwing up the release date at the end. It was extremely effective as rarely can anything coming from Hollywood surprise audiences in the way that did these days. Cloverfield was created and produced by J...
  • A Nightmare on Elm Street 3D Sequel Coming
    Posted May 4th, 2010 at 9:29 am 2 Comments »
    Though A Nightmare on Elm Street was universally panned it was able to pull in $32 million its first weekend. That made it the biggest opening for a horror film ever in the April-May months. That was enough to already prompt Warner Bros and New Line to give the go ahead on a sequel. It should be of little surprise by now that of course the sequel will be in 3D. The $32 million is certainly very good, but the film's internal mutliplier suggests that it is going to drop like a rock over the c...