Posts Tagged ‘latest news’
  • FIFA Coming to Facebook
    Posted May 7th, 2010 at 5:33 pm 28 Comments »
    A few months back we found out that EA Sports would be bringing a version of Madden to Facebook. The next in line to make it to Facebook will be FIFA with the game being branded FIFA Superstars. The news was made in EA Sports president Peter Moore's latest blog posting. The game will be created through Playfish, the social gaming company that EA acquired late last year. Leveraging our football gaming knowledge and marrying it with the social gaming expertise of our partners at Playfish is su...
  • Weekend Box Office Predictions 5/7
    Posted May 7th, 2010 at 12:36 pm No Comments »
    Expected to be the biggest movie of the summer Iron Man 2 rolls into theaters today. Not surprisingly no other studio wanted to take on Tony Stark, and the only other release is the documentary Babies. The big question is can Iron Man 2 break the opening record currently held by The Dark Knight? (more…)...
  • UFC 2010 Undisputed Demo Impressions
    Posted May 7th, 2010 at 12:13 pm 27 Comments »
    It was discussed at length in the last Padrecast but I thought it would be a good idea to lay down some of my impressions of the UFC 2010 Undisputed demo as well. While the changes and improvements are subtle while watching videos such as the ones I posted earlier they are much more evident while playing. As with last year's demo debut 2010's has been strikingly fun, somewhat confusing and overwhelming, but extremely rewarding as improvement is made. (more…)...
  • The Trailer for Super 8
    Posted May 7th, 2010 at 12:24 am 3 Comments »
    The secretive trailer for Super 8 has spurned some huge intrigue over the last few days and it has now debuted in front of Iron Man 2. Yesterday I posted some details on the movie as well as a link over to read a detailed description of the events of the trailer. Generally when a trailer debuts on an event movie it doesn't officially go online until the following Monday. So, in lieu of the official release, we turn to bootleg recordings which are springing up everywhere. Obviously this isn'...
  • No Patch Coming for Tecmo Bowl Throwback
    Posted May 6th, 2010 at 6:27 pm 15 Comments »
    Word of a patch for Tecmo Bowl Throwback has now been squashed with Tecmo coming out to state that they will now not be providing one. The patch was planned in attempt to solve an issue with recording wins and losses when one side quits out of an online game. Kotaku has a full story on the news. The game released last week for the 360 but still has no stated release date for the PS3. As mentioned in my impressions of TBT, one of the drawbacks to a downloadable title is that they generally g...
  • Possible Demo Dates for Backbreaker
    Posted May 6th, 2010 at 3:32 pm 35 Comments »
    The demo for Backbreaker definitely carries more significance than those of established sports franchises. Much like UFC last year it could be a huge success and propel the game towards increased awareness and sales. However it could also be damaging if the demo does not do a good job of representing the final product or does represent it but simply turns out to be a dud. According to a posting on the Backbreaker forum that includes an email from a representative of 505 Games, the demo for ...
  • Madden Rookie Screenshots: NFC
    Posted May 6th, 2010 at 1:13 pm 28 Comments »
    Those of you who follow on Twitter and Facebook were able to check out screenshots of some of the rookies in their pro uniforms over the course of last week. Those are still up and can most easily be found on the Facebook album (make sure to "like" it while there!). These screens go beyond that group, offering up different shots of the same players and screens of others who were drafted. To see the previous AFC set of images click here. I tried to grab as many as possible in Madden 10...
  • Details on the Super 8 Trailer
    Posted May 6th, 2010 at 9:49 am No Comments »
    Earlier this week news hit that a secret JJ Abrams project would have a trailer debut on Iron Man 2. That trailer has been electronically locked up preventing any leaks of what it could be until now. Speculation was a Cloverfield prequel or sequel. Now Slashfilm has some additional details on Super 8 (which may or may not be the real title for the eventual movie). I can confirm that it is not a Cloverfield sequel or prequel. It is written and directed by JJ Abrams. Yes, produced by S...