Posts Tagged ‘latest news’
  • Robin Hood Can’t Defeat Iron Man 2 in Weekend Box Office
    Posted May 16th, 2010 at 7:21 pm 1 Comment »
    Falling a heavy but not totally unanticipated 58% from last weekend Iron Man 2 topped the box office charts with $53 million. That takes its domestic total to $212 million after just 10 days. The sequel has not had quite the same word of mouth that drove the original. That one surprised many while the follow-up carried much heavier expectations. Iron Man 2 is ahead by about $20 million compared to the original after the 10 days but the possibility remains that it will not end up out-grossin...
  • The Line Drive 5/16
    Posted May 16th, 2010 at 10:20 am 36 Comments »
    The Line Drive is a weekly collection of news, links, and updates that didn’t necessarily warrant their own postings. Worldwide the FIFA series is far and away the best selling sports title on the market. EA recently announced that FIFA 10 has sold over 10 million copies and the recently released 2010 FIFA World Cup is already over 2 million. The latest UFC 2010 developer blog addresses more questions that have been submitted about the game and responds to some concerns based...
  • Trailer for The American
    Posted May 15th, 2010 at 3:08 pm 1 Comment »
    Focus Features has released the first trailer for The American. The movie stars George Clooney as an assassin hiding out in Italy for his final assignment. Anton Corbijn, with a background of primarily music videos, directs. The American is slated to release on September 1st. ...
  • UFC 2010 Undisputed Fight Camps Video
    Posted May 15th, 2010 at 10:52 am 22 Comments »
    THQ has released a new video detailing the online Fight Camps feature being introduced in UFC 2010 Undisputed. Not much had been known about the online league-like system other than it would allow for teammates to train together, would track records and stats, and would tie into the new community website. Unfortunately the video doesn't go into specific details such as the max number of fighters per camp or whether created fighters, existing fighters, or both can be used in camps. It does h...
  • Napoleon Dynamite Animated Show Being Developed
    Posted May 15th, 2010 at 10:14 am No Comments »
    According to MediaBistro an animated TV series is being developed based on the Napoleon Dynamite movie. Most of the original cast including Jon Heder (Napoleon Dynamite), Efran Ramirez (Pedro), and Jon Gries (Uncle Rico) would be on board to voice the characters. The 2004 film was made on a budget of just $400K and became a cult hit grossing $44 million and going on to sell well on DVD....
  • Backbreaker Passing Tutorial
    Posted May 14th, 2010 at 4:36 pm 42 Comments »
    GameTrailers has posted a tutorial video for Backbreaker concentrating on the passing game. Throwing passes requires the use of the right analog stick, focus mode with the left trigger provides higher accuracy, and cycling through receivers with the right stick will probably be the most difficult thing about the system to get used to. Continue on to watch the video and leave your thoughts in the comments! (more…)...
  • NCAA Football 11 Quarterback Blog
    Posted May 14th, 2010 at 2:29 pm 9 Comments »
    EA Sports has released a new blog that focuses on QBs. Specifically how dual-threat QBs can be defended and adjustments made to QBs throwing while getting hit. You can check out the full blog posting here which includes a couple pre-play screens. Those can also be seen in the screenshot gallery. The dual threat QB's are often times the hardest to stop.  A defense must be able to account for the QB running the ball while also playing enough pass defense to not allow big plays through the ai...
  • True Blood Season 3 Trailer
    Posted May 14th, 2010 at 1:53 pm 1 Comment »
    HBO has released the first trailer for the third season of True Blood which is set to premiere on Sunday June 13th. This is expected to be the first of several trailers that will be released as the premiere nears. I won't go into some of the things I noted in the trailer at the risk of spoiling events that have taken place for those who haven't seen the first two seasons. However there are definitely some interesting developments hinted at within it and I'm hopeful that Eric will be a primary ...