Posts Tagged ‘latest news’
  • Backbreaker Demo Impressions
    Posted May 25th, 2010 at 10:41 am 80 Comments »
    After much recent anticipation, largely driven by the lack of gameplay videos and impressions so close its release date, the Backbreaker demo arrived for the Xbox 360. Reaction has been mixed with most gamers enjoying the Euphoria physics, polarization on the single camera angle, and the troubling CPU AI leading to the most concern. Continue on to read through my thoughts on the demo so far and leave yours in the comments! (more…)...
  • PFC 2010 Fighter Assignments
    Posted May 25th, 2010 at 9:34 am 23 Comments »
    With the release of UFC 2010 Undisputed today here is the announcement of the fighter assignments for the Padre Fighting Championship league. We still don't have the exact structure of the league determined quite yet as that largely dependent on how well the online features work and the amount of flexibility they provide. For the time being we will be monitoring online performance (early reports of issues with severe lag are troubling) and testing out the Fight Camps feature before laying d...
  • NBA Jam Catchphrase Tournament Field Set
    Posted May 24th, 2010 at 7:04 pm 20 Comments »
    After receiving over 3000 submissions for the NBA Jam catchphrase contest EA Sports has narrowed it down to a field of 64. The four brackets each receive their own day this week to accept voting on the first round matchups. The catchphrase that eventually comes out of each bracket will be included in the game. The catchphrases aren't just laid out in text but they were recorded by the voice of the game Tim Kitzrow and you can listen to audio for each one. You can check them all out on the g...
  • Mass Effect Coming to the Big Screen
    Posted May 24th, 2010 at 6:25 pm 1 Comment »
    Legendary Pictures announced today that they have acquired the rights to the Mass Effect video game series. Mark Protosevich is now in discussions to pen the script. Protosevich is best known for writing the screenplay for I Am Legend and the now-shooting Thor. Legendary has a good track record having backed films such as The Dark Knight, 300, and The Hangover. They recently picked up the rights to Godzilla as well. Game synopsis: The galaxy is trapped in an endless cycle of extinction. Every...
  • Supreme Court Rules Against NFL Being Single Entity
    Posted May 24th, 2010 at 12:36 pm 153 Comments »
    The case of American Needle v. NFL took an interesting turn today with the Supreme Court ruling that the league can not use the single entity argument in an antitrust lawsuit. American Needle has been suing after they lost the ability to create NFL licensed merchandise. They were able to produce official NFL hats with teams that they had individual agreements with until the league made a league-wide deal with Reebok that granted exclusive 10 year rights. The lower courts had found that anti...
  • 28 New Screenshots for NCAA Football 11
    Posted May 24th, 2010 at 11:11 am 63 Comments »
    EA Sports has released a huge new batch of NCAA Football 11 screens. They all show off in-game action as opposed to some of the presentation related or gameplay camera shots which had been out previously to display the ESPN integration. 28 new images can be found in the screenshot gallery and leave your thoughts in the comments!...
  • Padrecast: Backbreaker Demo Edition
    Posted May 24th, 2010 at 10:28 am 29 Comments »
    The focus of the Padrecast this week falls heavily on the two games set to release in the next eight days. Discussion on the Backbreaker demo (full impressions posting tomorrow) kicks things off. That is followed by thoughts on the UFC 2010 Undisputed code situation and a healthy rant against reviewers handing out scores to UFC despite not having even played online. Below is just some of what is discussed in the 53 minute running time. Download the podcast directly from here or listen us...
  • The Line Drive 5/23
    Posted May 23rd, 2010 at 5:22 pm 16 Comments »
    The Line Drive is a weekly collection of news, links, and updates that didn’t necessarily warrant their own postings. Backbreaker demo videos posted earlier today. Full impressions posting and discussion on the Padrecast coming tomorrow. Two additional NHL 11 screenshots have been added to the gallery. More details on NBA Jam in a big IGN preview including over 100 unlockables, hidden characters, boss battles, and still no determination regarding online play. E...