Posts Tagged ‘latest news’
  • NBA Jam Cover Practically Promotes The Heat
    Posted July 12th, 2010 at 10:23 am 38 Comments »
    So now with Lebron James, Dwyane Wade, and Chris Bosh teaming up on the Miami Heat they will become the most popular team to use in this year's basketball games and for the foreseeable future. Eerily it was almost like the cover of NBA Jam was designed with this in mind only the cover art has been finalized and out for some time already. The Miami Heat logo includes a basketball in flames. The very same is used as the focus point of the NBA Jam cover. The Heat will have the most dominant sq...
  • Hulk Will Not Be Played By Edward Norton in The Avengers
    Posted July 11th, 2010 at 1:09 pm 4 Comments »
    With all the positive casting news this year as it relates to the Marvel properties such as Thor and Captain America, which ultimately will culminate with The Avengers in 2012, news has hit that is being viewed as a major letdown in most circles. Marvel has decided to drop Edward Norton as Bruce Banner (The Hulk) and cast someone new in the role. "We have made the decision to not bring Ed Norton back to portray the title role of Bruce Banner in the Avengers. Our decision is definitely not one...
  • The Line Drive 7/11
    Posted July 11th, 2010 at 10:35 am 27 Comments »
    The Line Drive is a weekly collection of news, links, and updates that didn’t necessarily warrant their own postings. Kotaku takes a look at Road to Glory mode in NCAA Football 11 including thoughts on how the mode could be improved in the future and how it has been largely untouched since first being introduced late in the last generation. GoMadden has a good interview with Ian Cummings that goes into some of the decision making for Madden 11 and a bit of a future ou...
  • Review: Dinner for Schmucks
    Posted July 10th, 2010 at 3:39 pm 4 Comments »
    The cast and concept behind Dinner for Schmucks would seem to make for a promising comedy. While there are some laughs to be had they are few and far between and the overall result is very flat. The most disappointing aspect is the way the film felt rigid in its scripting and developments rather than being open and going off on tangents like many of the successful comedies featuring these actors have been able to produce in recent years. (more…)...
  • NBA 2K11 Lebron James Miami Heat Screenshot
    Posted July 9th, 2010 at 5:20 pm 102 Comments »
    2K Sports has released the first screenshot from NBA 2K11 featuring Lebron James playing for the Miami Heat. You can check out the complete screen full size in the gallery. As always leave your thoughts in the comments!...
  • World Cup Finals Preview
    Posted July 9th, 2010 at 4:05 pm 7 Comments »
    The World Cup final will be played at 230ET/1130PT on Sunday with Spain going up against the Netherlands. Once again using my scientific method of playing 2010 FIFA World Cup with the favorite (in this case Spain) which after the semi-finals sports a sterling 50% success rate I have determined how things will play out. Continue on to check out the game videos, screenshots, and final stats screen and leave your thoughts on who you think will win in the comments! (more…)...
  • New Madden 11 Screenshots and Videos: AFC North and AFC South
    Posted July 9th, 2010 at 10:28 am 24 Comments »
    EA Sports has released a slew of Madden 11 screens (46 in all) featuring the teams from the AFC North and AFC South. Each team has either five or six images which primarily focus on star players, rookies, names acquired over the offseason, and coaches. Those screens can all be found in the gallery. Continue on to check out videos spotlighting each division as well. As always feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments! (more…)...
  • Second Teaser Trailer for The Social Network
    Posted July 9th, 2010 at 10:23 am No Comments »
    Just a couple weeks ago we got an initial teaser trailer for The Social Network. Though it didn't show any footage from the movie the dialogue was intriguing awareness has been building ever since. The buzz on the film just continues to rise (talk of it being an awards contender) and even one of its stars, Andrew Garfield, was just cast as Spider-Man. Now a second teaser, produced for the New York Film Festival, has made its way out. An adaptation of the novel based on the main players behi...