The New Heat in NBA Jam Screenshots
EA Sports has released four new screenshots for NBA Jam featuring the new look Miami Heat roster of Lebron James, Dwyane Wade, and Chris Bosh. It would certainly seem to be no coincidence that the two opposing teams in the images are the Bulls and Knicks who were thought to be in the running for Lebron. Continue on to check out the screens (or view full size in the gallery) and leave your thoughts in the comments!
Your Thoughts on NCAA Football 11
Now that NCAA Football 11 is officially out leave your impressions in the comments! So far it seems that the biggest issue has to do with QBs getting stuck in an animation and running backwards for a safety, which can happen on occasion to the CPU or User and may be isolated to certain play-action bootlegs. Outside of that no other major issues seem to have been identified to this point. As to rosters there are currently no fully named sets completed though the expectation is that there will b...
Latest NBA Elite 11 Controls Video
Dime Magazine has released a new video for NBA Elite 11 focusing on the controls, the subject of which has gotten somewhat tiring, though this video does include some footage of the game with full teams on the court rather than just one on one. Unfortunately this comes across as another in a string of disappointing glimpses at the game which EA Sports has pumped up with a lot of talk but failed to deliver on with the media shown to date. Continue on to watch the video and leave your thoughts i...
Review: Inception
The expectations that come with following up one of the most successful movies of all time, both in terms of box office and critical response, would seem to set up the potential to be let down. Christoper Nolan could have had his choice of projects after The Dark Knight, however he decided to go with his own original project with Inception. In doing so Nolan has delivered a brilliantly crafted psychological thriller that is rich and challenging without being overwhelming.
MLB 2K10 Achievement Available Today Only
For those of you with MLB 2K10 there is a single 360 achievement and PS3 trophy that can be earned today. Playing the All-Star Game in MLB Today mode will award the "Mid-Summer Classic" achievement worth 40 gamer points or a silver trophy respectively. According to GamingBits this achievement can not be obtained any other way than completing the All-Star Game by the end of the day. It must done in MLB Today mode and following the conclusion exiting to the main menu will then trigger the award....
Joaquin Phoenix as The Hulk?
Now that Edward Norton is out of The Avengers and won't be playing Bruce Banner (The Hulk) in the film rumors are starting to swirl on who will take over. The big one out there right now is that Marvel has offered the role to Joaquin Phoenix and that he is mulling it over. Marvel is looking to have a contract agreed to in time for Comic-Con where they will roll out the primary cast for The Avengers and make a splash with an unveiling such as this.
Phoenix would be an intriguing choice, made...
Despicable Me Takes Box Office Crown From Twilight: Eclipse
Both new openers exceeded expectations at the box office this weekend. Despicable Me knocked The Twilight Saga: Eclipse out of the top spot while Predators also performed well finishing in third.
Despicable Me, the animated film from Universal, pulled in $60.1 million which is especially impressive given the limited number of 3D screens currently available. There are three 3D films out on the market right now. With a relatively low budget of just $69 million it is already a huge success.
NCAA Football 11 Release Day Patch Details
All games receive release day patches but generally they are intended just to provide compliance fixes, deal with minor issues, or prepare for the masses to head online. For NCAA Football 11 though there is a significant list of changes to the game coming from the release day patch that even incorporated community feedback thanks to the early demo. Continue on to check out the details and leave your thoughts in the comments!