Madden 11 Copies In The Wild
It was a false alarm when EA Sports was handing out free copies of Madden 11 in Times Square. It turned out the game cases just contained vouchers to redeem for free copies come release day. Even then though it wasn't out of the realm of possibility that Madden 11 had been finalized and copies were beginning to be produced it still seemed way early to imagine the game was done and discs were completed to be handed out.
Now though we know for sure that Madden 11 has definitely been finished ...
Comic-Con Trailer: Red
The panel for the graphic novel adaptation Red at Comic-Con today was one of the most entertaining. Bruce Willis was funny as usual, Helen Mirren was really amusing and clearly having fun with a role that is so different for her, and I really like Mary-Louise Parker. It is just a shame that Morgan Freeman wasn't there too, but there are so many big name stars that appear in Red that some were going to have to be left out.
While I remain somewhat iffy on the film as it just hasn't clicked wi...
NCAA 11 Gets Online Dynasty Related Update
EA Sports has released an Online Dynasty related update for NCAA Football 11. The changes made are due to some issues that were being had with accessing the OD website during peak hours or with old data being displayed. That should now be resolved. I have not however heard of any changes in the works for censored words within Dynasty Wire stories that have no business being censored. Hopefully tweaks will be made soon.
The 20 minute wait time to advance each week in Online Dynasty has been ...
Plan May Be To Offer More Jordan Moments as DLC
Kotaku has received the list of the 10 game challenges that make up "The Jordan Challenge" in NBA 2K11. As revealed earlier today there will be 10 different versions of Michael Jordan to use and each one can be taken into each of the challenges.
As noted by Kotaku there is one very notable omission from the list of challenges. "The Shot" over Craig Ehlo that put a dagger into the heart of the Cleveland Cavaliers in the 1989 playoffs. According to 2K Sports the decision was made to leave it ...
Comic-Con Trailer: Tron Legacy
At the Comic-Con panel today for Tron: Legacy eight minutes of the film was shown (and in 3D) which I was very impressed by and then the panel closed with the playing on the brand new trailer. That trailer has now arrived online.
Tron Legacy is the sequel to the 1982 classic Tron. Jeff Bridges returns in his role of Kevin Flynn and Garrett Hedlund plays his son Sam Flynn. The movie also stars Olivia Wilde and Michael Sheen. The story centers on Sam attempting to find his father, who has ...
Guillermo Del Toro Remaking Haunted Mansion
Announced today at Comic-Con, Guillermo Del Toro is taking on a remake of Disney's The Haunted Mansion for his next project. Due to delays he recently exited as director on The Hobbit.
According to Del Toro who was brought out on stage when the announcement was made, The Haunted Mansion will be live action, in 3D, and will not be a comedy. He will be going for a darker, scarier take with the intention for it still to be a fun ride.
The Haunted Mansion ride opened at Disneyland in 1969. T...
THQ Blames Poor UFC Sales on RDR
Sales of UFC 2010 Undisputed have been very disappointing for THQ this year, with them having fallen 59% year-over-year for the first month. A number of factors for the tumble can be contemplated however THQ believes it is due to the release of Red Dead Redemption, which crushed with huge sales. It released one week before UFC 2010.
In an interview with MCV, THQ's UK marketing director had the following to say:Â "Our sales were softer than where we would have liked them to be," Rooke told M...
Theatrical Trailer for Buried
After an initial flurry of Buried info, pictures, and teaser trailers things went quiet. Now it has returned with a full theatrical trailer to keep the positive buzz rolling. Starring Ryan Reynolds the movie is essentially a one-man act. He plays a US contractor working in Iraq that gets attacked and wakes up to find himself buried alive in a coffin. With only a lighter and a cell phone it becomes a race against time to make his escape. Buried is slated to release on October 8th.