Posts Tagged ‘latest news’
  • Madden 11 iPhone Out August 10th
    Posted August 5th, 2010 at 5:22 pm 8 Comments »
    Today EA Sports announced that the iPhone and iPad versions of Madden 11 will be available next Tuesday, the very same day that the console versions are set to arrive. Last year's version of Madden on the iPhone was really well received so there is reason to be encouraged about this one despite NCAA Football's recent disappointing mobile offering. Madden 11 for the iPhone, iPhone 4, iPod Touch, and iPad will feature the same “GameFlow” play calling that resides in the console versions ...
  • Insight Into Plot for Kick-Ass Sequel
    Posted August 5th, 2010 at 4:33 pm 4 Comments »
    No question my favorite movie of the year so far and certainly amongst my favorites of all time Kick-Ass arrived on DVD and Blu-ray this week. Mark Millar, writer of the comic book that the film was based on, is currently working on the upcoming sequel in comic form Kick-Ass: Balls to the Wall. Millar talked to MovieWeb about the sequel and dropped some hints as to the plot for some of the central characters with the comic being completed by the end of the year and the movie aiming for a 2012 ...
  • First NCAA Football 11 Tuner Set Out Now
    Posted August 5th, 2010 at 8:12 am 78 Comments »
    The initial set of "gameplay tuners" for NCAA Football 11 arrived this morning. First introduced in NHL 10, EA Sports can now tweak game settings through the delivery of tuners which don't have to go through the patch process. That means adjustments can be made and new tuner sets can be sent out whenever deemed necessary without having to go through the certification period or face the restrictions that accompany patches. This tuner set includes some changes to gameplay based on feedback an...
  • The Latest EA Sports MMA Footage
    Posted August 4th, 2010 at 7:01 pm 18 Comments »
    While EA Sports MMA impressed at E3 there was still a significant amount of time ahead to make further improvements incorporating feedback from those who played the game or had watched videos. This most recent footage, from within the last week or so, has incorporated some of the tweaks that people were looking for. Further work continues on the game which still has time ahead for enhancements given that it isn't slated to arrive until October 19th. Continue on to check out the video and leave...
  • NBA Elite 11 Features ESPN Presentation
    Posted August 4th, 2010 at 11:39 am 78 Comments »
    A video from a foreign outlet at a recent EA Sports event has inadvertently revealed that ESPN presentation is present in NBA Elite 11. While there had been speculation that ESPN (or ABC) style presentation would be included based on the new commentary team this is the first sign of it to emerge. The video also includes the first opportunity, though quite brief, to see true 5v5 gameplay from the new default camera angle. Continue on to check out that video (primarily :31 where the ESPN wipe is...
  • NHL 11’s Ultimate Team Hockey League
    Posted August 4th, 2010 at 8:56 am 26 Comments »
    NHL 11 will introduce its own version of Ultimate Team mode taking it to the next level by involving a massive online league structure known as Ultimate Team Hockey League (UTHL). Ultimate Team involves building up squads from scratch through the purchase of card packs or individual cards which represent players, coaches, contracts, injuries, stadiums, and uniforms. Playing online games within the mode earns credits to spend on purchases to sustain and improve a roster. UTHL divides everyone ...
  • What Brett Favre’s Retirement Will Mean For Madden 11
    Posted August 3rd, 2010 at 5:27 pm 63 Comments »
    The news today is that Brett Favre has decided to retire, and while everyone remains skeptical it does bring into question how it will be dealt with in Madden 11. Favre is on the default roster but should he actually go through with retirement he would be removed via roster update. EA Sports has released a statement which seems to imply he won't be removed immediately (which could be the release day update) unless he comes out and states he has chosen to retire and maybe even until the officia...
  • Comic-Con Trailer: Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark
    Posted August 3rd, 2010 at 9:51 am 3 Comments »
    Believe it or not there are still several films that debuted trailers or footage at Comic-Con that have yet to roll anything out to the public. One of those was Don't Be Afraid of the Dark which has now delivered the trailer that was shown at its panel. Written and produced by Guillermo Del Toro it is a remake of the 1973 made-for-TV movie about a young girl sent to live with her father and his new girlfriend only to discover that creatures in the home want to claim her as one of their own. ...