Posts Tagged ‘latest news’
  • Madden NFL 13 Demo Now Available for 360
    Posted August 14th, 2012 at 3:00 am 268 Comments »
    The demo for Madden NFL 13 has gone live for the Xbox 360 and will go out for the PS3 when the store updates this afternoon. It comes in at 1.82 GB and can be queued up in advance for download here. The impressively rich demo features two different pairings of teams - Giants @ 49ers and Seahawks @ Redskins - in full games at five minute quarters with adjustable difficulty levels. Commentary, which has become something commonly stripped from the demos for sports titles in recent years, is ...
  • Your Thoughts on NBA 2K13’s First Gameplay-Related News
    Posted August 13th, 2012 at 4:45 pm 44 Comments »
    2K Sports hyped the Jay-Z news as the biggest announcement for NBA 2K13 but in reality what really matters in the end started to emerge late last week with the first actual gameplay and feature info. Reaction has been almost universally positive to the announced aspects such as the change in controls with dribble moves shifting to the right analog stick, improvements to passing, better contact physics, voice command functionality with Kinect for Xbox 360, and the addition of "signature skill...
  • Top Rated Receivers in Madden NFL 13
    Posted August 13th, 2012 at 10:00 am 144 Comments »
    This is the week of the receiver for Madden NFL 13 with EA Sports today revealing the top 10 rated pass catchers. Come Friday the ratings for all receivers including tight ends will be released. Cover athlete Calvin Johnson pulls down the coveted 99 overall rating while Larry Fitzgerald, Andre Johnson, and Rob Gronkowski trail close behind at 97 overall. Early next week will focus on defense with all the remaining players and positions coming out at the end of the week. There is also the ...
  • The Line Drive for August 12
    Posted August 12th, 2012 at 11:30 am 13 Comments »
    The Line Drive is a weekly collection of news, links, and updates that didn’t necessarily warrant their own postings. •Make sure to get last minute entries in for the latest Madden NFL 13 giveaway. •With promo credit Amazon selling Vita version of Madden NFL 13 essentially for $25. •Check out the awesome NFL Game Rewind service for this year. •Made an appearance on Da Czar's radio show this week to talk outlook for NBA Live 13. •In yet another sign of trouble EA Sports wi...
  • Pastapadre Madden NFL 13 Coach Connected Careers League Owner Selections
    Posted August 11th, 2012 at 4:30 pm 64 Comments »
    Choosing owners for a league is quite difficult particularly when there are so many who express interest in participating. It's greatly appreciated of those who desired a spot taking the time out to drop their info - and unfortunate that ultimately far more people will be denied than granted a team. There have been well over 200 sign-ups for this first league for Madden NFL 13. Selections were based on a number of factors and the procedure even has some sense of randomness by creating mes...
  • Review: The Bourne Legacy
    Posted August 10th, 2012 at 5:45 pm No Comments »
    The Bourne series continues even without Jason Bourne and for the most part delivers enough to justify its existence - just at a level below those that came before it. The Bourne Legacy focuses on Aaron Cross (Jeremy Renner), a part of the "Outcome" program, as he tries to survive as those in charge look to shut it down and protect their interests by killing all those involved. Cross, along with a genetic researcher played by Rachel Weisz, essentially become the loose strings in the mess ...
  • Madden NFL 13 Demo Details
    Posted August 10th, 2012 at 1:45 pm 151 Comments »
    As long anticipated the demo for Madden NFL 13 is set to arrive on Tuesday, August 14. The demo will feature two different match-ups with each being an entire game consisting of five minute quarters with adjustable difficulty levels. A rematch of the excellent NFC Championship game with the Super Bowl Champion New York Giants at San Francisco 49ers is one option while the other features two of the more intriguing teams this season with the Seattle Seahawks at Washington Redskins. In ad...
  • Madden NFL 13 Complete RB Ratings
    Posted August 10th, 2012 at 10:00 am 77 Comments »
    EA Sports has followed up on releasing the top 10 overall rated running backs by rolling out the ratings for the entirety of the league today. Though they didn’t crack the top 10 Michael Turner, Darren McFadden, Marshawn Lynch, and Chris Johnson are right on the cusp of doing so. Rookies include Trent Richardson at 83 overall, Doug Martin at 76, and David Wilson at 74. Continue on for a look at all the default ratings for both halfbacks and fullbacks in Madden NFL 13 including their ove...