Posts Tagged ‘latest news’
  • NHL 13’s Hockey Ultimate Team Improvements
    Posted September 1st, 2012 at 4:45 pm 4 Comments »
    EA Sports has released a new video for NHL 13 going over the changes and additions to Hockey Ultimate Team mode. Career length and salary cap restrictions have been removed, there is a new team management interface and improved main hub, team chemistry has been made more important, Team of the Week challenges and the ability to play other users' teams at any time have been added, and a mobile app will allow access to the mode from anywhere. Check out the developer blog on the mode and con...
  • EA Sports Appears To Be Throwing In The Towel With NBA Live 13
    Posted August 31st, 2012 at 4:00 pm 94 Comments »
    Though the news of NBA Live 13's impending release as a discount digital title doesn't come as a surprise given the events of recent months it does reaffirm general pessimistic assessments towards the product and explain the disappearance of promotion by EA Sports. The tactic being employed is not one of confidence nor is it an attempt to gain marketshare on a competitor. It's admission of defeat and could signal the end of basketball from EA. (more…)...
  • Video Discussing New Animations in NBA 2K13
    Posted August 31st, 2012 at 2:45 pm 25 Comments »
    2K Sports today released a new developer video focusing on the work done with animations within NBA 2K13. 4000 animations were captured for the game with extra attention being paid to blending between each one, improvement to facial expressions, and other areas of improvement that will make the game look and feel more natural.  (more…)...
  • Madden NFL 13 Connected Careers Website Features and Impressions
    Posted August 31st, 2012 at 7:30 am 77 Comments »
    Though the website for Connected Careers mode in Madden NFL 13 went live last Friday with limited functionality there's quite a bit to take advantage of already with much more to come. The site is currently lacking the ways in which to interact with careers and instead is limited to viewing some stats and attributes along with a few really cool social features.  (more…)...
  • NBA Live 13 Apparently May Still Be On Track To Release And Do So At Just $20
    Posted August 30th, 2012 at 4:15 pm 63 Comments »
    According to IRB Gamer, who is reporting out of the Gamestop Expo, NBA Live 13 will be a digital release this October. That it would be a downloadable title doesn't come as a surprise - the recent leaked footage supported that and all other signs before it have pointed that direction. It will probably be a big mistake to re-launch the series in such a manner, but coming in at a $20 price point could lead some to give it more consideration. That is what a a rep apparently told the site to exp...
  • Madden NFL 13 Delivers Early Rise in Sales
    Posted August 30th, 2012 at 10:30 am 122 Comments »
    Increased interest towards Madden NFL 13 was evident when Electronic Arts announced at their financial meeting last month that pre-orders were up 25% compared to the same period the prior year. That strength has carried through release, though understandably not at that same level, with the company stating today that first day sales of Madden 13 were 900K between the Xbox 360 and PS3. That represents an increase of  7% vs the first day of Madden 12. Though online play has been fairly sta...
  • Features List for FIFA 13 on iOS
    Posted August 30th, 2012 at 10:00 am 1 Comment »
    While the mobile version of FIFA 12 showed improvement it still fell short of some competing products particularly on the iOS platform. Now EA Sports has rolled out the list of improvements coming to FIFA 13 in the hopes that this is the year that the series can excel on mobile. The game will included improved graphics and controls along with EA Sports Football Club extending from the consoles to mobile. For the first time online multiplayer will be featured. No official release date has ...
  • Madden NFL 13 Complete Player Connected Career Impressions
    Posted August 29th, 2012 at 5:15 pm 87 Comments »
    Going through Madden NFL 13's Connected Careers mode as a "Coach" may be intimidating to some - but in doing so as a "Player" it will not be nearly as overwhelming. The trade-off then comes in what is a somewhat less engaging experience. A career can be progressed through in much quicker fashion by skipping a good portion of games and not having to micromanage the weekly tasks that befall a "Coach" while the emphasis on XP to improve attributes and skills adds some investment to the player's...