Madden NFL 13 First Regular Season Roster Update Now Available
The highly anticipated roster update leading into the regular season for Madden NFL 13 is now available on both the Xbox 360 and PS3. This update only applies to Play Now and Online games. The new roster that will be available to choose from when starting up a new Connected Career is slated to release early next week.
Although EA Sports did not specify that any ratings changes were being made there are in fact some that have been enacted. Players who have stepped up and into unexpected ro...
NHL 13 Now Available to Download Through Season Ticket
Subscribers to the EA Sports Season Ticket program can now access the early release digital download of NHL 13 on both the Xbox 360 and PS3.
The digital copy of NHL 13 will expire early Tuesday (6am ET) after which a retail copy will have to be purchased. All game saves and achievements will transfer over. Every feature and mode is accessible during the Season Ticket period with the exception of Hockey Ultimate Team.
The ‘Season Ticket’ costs $25 and runs for a period of one year...
Madden NFL 13 First Regular Season Roster Update Details
The second roster update for Madden NFL 13, that will represent the opening week rosters for the regular season, is scheduled to release tomorrow on the Xbox 360 and PS3 for use in Play Now and Online games. Early next week the 53 man rosters will be available to choose from when starting up a new Connected Career.
This roster update contains the player movement, number changes, new contracts, suspensions, and injuries that have taken place since the initial preseason roster update. Unfor...
Much Needed Online Association Improvements Coming in NBA 2K13
The debut of Online Association with NBA 2K12 was highly anticipated but turned out to be easily the biggest disappointment about the product. The mode was not in any way ready to be released. Promises about commissioner control were unfulfilled (they had absolutely none), advancement was automated, and the entire structure was so confusing that not even 2K Sports employees could decipher or explain how the mode actually worked. (more…)...
Madden NFL 13 Pre-Order Exclusive Legends Now Unlocked for All
Various retailers secured two legends to offer as pre-order exclusives for Madden NFL 13. Now eight of those legends that were being held back have been unlocked for all to use in both "Online" and "Offline" Connected Careers.
•Coaches: Joe Gibbs, Tom Landry, Dick Vermeil, Bill Walsh
•Players: Jerry Rice, Marshall Faulk, John Elway, Lawrence Taylor
Barry Sanders and John Madden are the two which remain locked for the time being. They are scheduled to be made available late this mo...
NCAA Football 13 Uniform Store Opens on Xbox 360 With 23 Free New Uniforms
The Uniform Store for NCAA Football 13 arrived in last month's patch yet was made inaccessible as it was empty of content. Now EA Sports has opened it up, currently though limited to the Xbox 360, and is offering 23 new uniforms for download. All 23 are considered the defaults for their respective teams meaning they are provided for free. (more…)...
Madden NFL 13 Sales Numbers Holding Firm
EA Sports today announced that record-setting sales numbers for the current generation of HD consoles have continued for Madden NFL 13 following a huge first day. In its first week 1.65 million copies of Madden 13 for the Xbox 360 and PS3 have been sold representing an 8% increase over the same period with Madden 12. (more…)...
Soundtrack for FIFA 13
EA Sports today revealed entire list of songs that will be featured on the soundtrack for FIFA 13. It's a massive collection of 50 artists - a selection of which can be listened to here by clicking on their respective images where links to the tracks have been placed. Continue on to check out the full list of 50 songs found on the FIFA 13 soundtrack! (more…)...