Posts Tagged ‘latest news’
  • #8 of 2012: NHL 13
    Posted December 19th, 2012 at 10:00 am 10 Comments »
    At one point Madden NFL 12 faced the prospect of releasing while the league was in the midst of an ongoing lockout. Later NBA 2K12 actually did have to deal with the league being locked out for the first two months it would be on the market. The conflict with the NHL though has dragged on even farther with the possibility that no season at all will come about. That certainly has affected NHL 13 and not just in sales (which was up initially and has dropped off since) but in consumer percep...
  • More Under Armour Alternates Uniforms Added to NCAA Football 13
    Posted December 18th, 2012 at 5:15 pm 14 Comments »
    A new pack of alternate uniforms for NCAA Football 13 is available now for $2 on the Xbox 360 and will go out on the PS3 on January 15. Under Armour is again featured with black alternates for Temple and Northwestern along with the "Pride" look for Maryland. Check out an image of each in the FB album. Until two weeks ago no additional alternate uniforms by manufacturers besides Reebok had been made available. Three packs for Under Armour have since gone out with the previous two detailed ...
  • Week Seven NBA 2K13 Roster Update Details
    Posted December 18th, 2012 at 11:30 am 21 Comments »
    A new roster update arrived for NBA 2K13 this morning and is much more significant than the one provided last week. This update includes ratings changes to nine players along with adjustments to those now injured or that have recently returned. James White has finally been placed on the Knicks while other additions include Darius Johnson-Odom (68), Maalik Wayns (63), and Luke Zeller (59). The number of players missing from the rosters is now down to eight. Ratings Up: Evan Turner (+4 to 8...
  • Madden NFL 13 Week 15 Upcoming Roster Update Discussion
    Posted December 18th, 2012 at 10:15 am 56 Comments »
    Now late into the season the playoff situation is coming into focus. In the AFC the first five teams are essentially locked in with the Bengals and Steelers fighting for the last spot. In the NFC the Seahawks can clinch a Wild Card birth with a win in either of the next two games. Things are muddier beyond that as the NFC East remains up for grabs and the final Wild Card spot could go to any of four other teams. Russell Wilson turned in the best performance (by QBR) of any QB this season....
  • Late Season Check on Current QB Ratings in Madden NFL 13
    Posted December 17th, 2012 at 4:45 pm 39 Comments »
    With the regular season nearing it's end, and having twice looked at them before, there is another opportunity to evaluate where quarterbacks stand in Madden NFL 13 compared to their performance for the year. How have things developed in terms of their ratings as more data has been entered into consideration? They appear to now be more in line with their actual production - though players that began higher or lower have faced those prejudices along the way. Through week 15 in evaluating s...
  • #9 of 2012: NCAA Football 13
    Posted December 17th, 2012 at 11:15 am 39 Comments »
    As one of what now is only a handful of major licensed sports games every year NCAA Football should never find itself this low on a year-end recap. Though not as afflicted by serious issues as NCAA 12 this year's effort comes in way down at #9 for it's lowest placement yet. The lack of passion and ambition was the overwhelming takeaway from NCAA Football 13 and if that doesn't change then the series and college football gaming entirely could follow college basketball and disappear in the...
  • The Line Drive for December 16
    Posted December 16th, 2012 at 10:45 am No Comments »
    The Line Drive is a weekly collection of news, links, deal alerts, and updates that didn’t necessarily warrant their own postings. •Pastapadre was named as one of the Top 50 Consumer Electronics Blogs by Cision. •Kotaku previews the new "Beginner Mode" in MLB 13: The Show. •EA CEO Peter Moore believes mobile gaming is the future. •CC Sabathia is the second announced cover candidate for MLB 13: The Show. •Forza Horizon Rally Expansion DLC will be out on Tuesday. •The ESPN ...
  • Revisiting the Top Stories of 2012: Disingenuous Marketing and Unfulfilled Features
    Posted December 15th, 2012 at 11:45 am 36 Comments »
    There are always going to be games that fail to deliver on promised features or those that disguise issues in order to avoid negatively affecting sales. There are likely even elements of that going on with every game that releases these days. Companies have generally been able to get away with them because reviewers don't identify the issues and media in general avoid holding them accountable for providing the features and support that consumers rely on. In 2012 there were a few significa...