Posts Tagged ‘latest news’
  • Baseball Games Forgo Demos This Year But for Very Different Reasons
    Posted February 26th, 2013 at 4:15 pm 35 Comments »
    There will be no prerelease demos for MLB 2K13 and MLB 13: The Show. In the case of one, a lack of improvements and constrained development cycle would be to blame, while the other can rest on a stronger reputation negating the need in some eyes to release a demo.  (more…)...
  • NCAA Football 14 Cover Vote Finals
    Posted February 26th, 2013 at 11:15 am 6 Comments »
    Over 10 weeks into the campaign to determine the cover athlete for NCAA Football 14 and it has now reached the finals. Michigan's Denard Robinson goes head-to-head against Texans A&M's Ryan Swope for the honor. Voting is open now on the official Facebook page and will run through Friday, March 8. At or near the top through every round Alabama and representative Eddie Lacy got knocked off in surprising fashion by Swope in the semifinals. Ultimately the fatigue of having to vote severa...
  • MLB 13: The Show Includes Braves “Screaming Indian” Batting Practice Hat
    Posted February 25th, 2013 at 6:45 pm 11 Comments »
    New Era recently revealed brand new hats for every team in MLB to be used during Spring Training and batting practices throughout the 2013 season. The styles feature secondary logos and/or different color schemes than the standard gameday caps. When the designs were originally leaked by Uni Watch controversy arose due to the use of the "Screaming Indian" for the Atlanta Braves being deemed by some as offensive. When the reveal was officially made that hat was not to be found and instead...
  • Soundtrack for MLB 13: The Show
    Posted February 25th, 2013 at 1:15 pm 8 Comments »
    Here is the full list of songs that will be featured on MLB 13: The Show. The sountrack features artists like The Rolling Stones, ZZ Top, Blink 182, and Soundgarden. There are 14 songs which is up from 10 in MLB 12. Thanks goes to CJohnson on Twitter for providing the info. Continue on for the full track listing and leave any thoughts in the comments!  (more…)...
  • Full Rosters and Overall Player Ratings in MLB 13: The Show
    Posted February 25th, 2013 at 8:45 am 23 Comments »
    The team rankings for MLB 13: The Show slipped out last week and now comes an opportunity to see the complete rosters for every team along with the overall rating of every player. Though 17 players rated 99 there is a somewhat substantial gap between those at the top and the other highly rated players. Only 5 are rated 98 and 2 rated 97. Teams heavily stacked with 90+ rated players are the Cardinals (7), Phillies (7), Nationals (6), Angels (6), Reds (6), Giants (5), Yankees (5), and Blue ...
  • The Line Drive for February 24
    Posted February 24th, 2013 at 10:45 am No Comments »
    The Line Drive is a weekly collection of news, links, deal alerts, and updates that didn’t necessarily warrant their own postings. •Giveaway being held on Twitter for another copy of MLB 13: The Show. •Xbox Live 12 Month Gold Subscription - shipped card not instant code - going for $35. •PC download version of FIFA 13 can be had for just $15 until 2/28 using the coupon code. •Giveaway on Facebook for a $20 off code for the Vita version of MLB 13: The Show. •Nothing official bu...
  • Press Row Podcast: Episode 13
    Posted February 23rd, 2013 at 11:45 am 3 Comments »
    Discussion in the latest edition of the Press Row Podcast focuses on reactions to the unveiling of the PlayStation 4, the move of WWE to Take Two being official, and responding to a few listener questions. Given the magnitude of the PS4 news that carries the majority of the discussion. Check it out through iTunes or with the embedded player at Operation Sports. Feel free to leave any feedback and suggestions on topics for future podcasts as well as the third show of the Press Row Hango...
  • MLB 13: The Show Team Rankings
    Posted February 22nd, 2013 at 11:00 am 60 Comments »
    The full list of team rankings in MLB 13: The Show has arrived via information provided to Operation Sports. The Tigers lead the way as the top team followed by the Cardinals and Red Sox. The defending champion Giants are somehow all the way down at 17. The rankings are broken down by Overall, Batting, Pitching, and Defense. Continue on to check them out and leave any thoughts in the comments!  (more…)...