Posts Tagged ‘latest news’
  • Hearing Held to Determine Class Action Certification in Player Likeness Lawsuit
    Posted June 22nd, 2013 at 12:30 pm 13 Comments »
    On Thursday judge Claudia Wilken heard arguments from both sides in the player likeness lawsuit that threatens the future operations of the NCAA, CLC, and Electronic Arts. A ruling is not expected for some time - it could be a matter of weeks or even months.  (more…)...
  • Two Small Glimpses at Madden NFL 25
    Posted June 21st, 2013 at 5:30 pm 14 Comments »
    On Thursday EA Sports released two pieces of media for Madden NFL 25 through Instagram. Creative director Mike Young sent out an image of William "The Refrigerator" Perry who was confirmed in April as one of the new additions this year. As a legend he'll be available to control as a "Player" in Connected Franchise or collectible in Madden Ultimate Team. Unfortunately he'll start out exclusive to those who buy the game at Target but should become available to either purchase or unlock at a l...
  • Press Row Podcast: Episode 29
    Posted June 21st, 2013 at 2:30 pm No Comments »
    On the latest episode of the Press Row Podcast the panel discusses the move by Microsoft to drop their restrictive DRM, the NCAA Football 14 demo, and continue with additional thoughts relating to the sports games showcased at E3. Check out the podcast through iTunes and now on Android with the Stitcher app or through the embedded player at Operation Sports. As always leave any feedback on the show or topics to discuss for future ones in the comments!...
  • TeamBuilder Update for NCAA Football 14 Has Gone Live
    Posted June 21st, 2013 at 9:30 am 13 Comments »
    The new version of TeamBuilder has launched for NCAA Football 14. Unfortunately it contains no new features but it does provide an opportunity to start creating teams - and those crafted in prior years continue to carry over - and examine all the team rosters and complete player ratings. This is the fourth straight year then that TeamBuilder has gone largely untouched by EA Sports. Since debuting in NCAA Football 10 the only things updated each year have been the stadium renovations, fiel...
  • NBA Live 14 Executive Producer Lays Out Approach Towards Resurrecting the Franchise
    Posted June 20th, 2013 at 2:15 pm 27 Comments »
    Executive producer of NBA Live 14 Sean O'Brien has posted an open letter discussing his decision to return to EA Sports, how he evaluated what was in place, changes he helped make with the development team, and technology that has been worked on internally.  (more…)...
  • Where The Next-Gen Consoles Now Stand
    Posted June 20th, 2013 at 11:45 am 22 Comments »
    In the middle of the night I felt compelled to record some thoughts on the big news of Wednesday which had Microsoft backing off their insistence of restrictive DRM and an every 24 hour online check-in with the Xbox One. Check out the article on the subject if you haven't already. Many have asked now what console I would now recommend - and I somewhat address that in the video - but there is no clear cut answer to give. It becomes more about preferences. The smartest move would be to pre...
  • Your Thoughts on the NCAA Football 14 Demo
    Posted June 20th, 2013 at 10:30 am 35 Comments »
    The NCAA Football 14 demo released on Tuesday and for the most part reaction has been fairly positive. A notably weak marketing campaign for the game may have actually resulted in those who follow developments intently finding themselves pleasantly surprised by the impact of various enhancements and additions made this year. The new Coordinator camera angle seems to be a big hit as well. Whether it's enough after a few years of disappointing efforts is the question. Vote in the poll below...
  • Microsoft Reverses Xbox One DRM Policies; No More Used Game Restrictions or Required Online Check-Ins
    Posted June 19th, 2013 at 1:45 pm 74 Comments »
    In a stunning policy reversal Microsoft has announced the Xbox One will no longer feature built-in DRM restrictions and a mandatory check-in online every 24 hours. Ever since the press conferences at E3 last week the company had taken a pounding in the media and with consumers while the PS4 dominated in pre-orders by taking its place as a perceived savior for gamers and the industry as a whole. (more…)...