The Line Drive for November 10
The Line Drive is a weekly collection of news, links, deal alerts, and updates that didn’t necessarily warrant their own postings.
♦Next live Press Row Hangout will air on evening of PS4 release 11/15.
♦Amazon will have Buy 2, Get 1 Free on PS4 games officially Tuesday.
♦Make sure to vote in the elite eight of the Best of the Generation Tournament!
♦Here are the digital download/install sizes for the four next-gen sports games.
♦More screenshots have been added to the FB album...
EA Sports Football Pricing Lawsuit Settlement Checks Have Started to Arrive
Checks to claimants in the Pecover class action suit which accused Electronic Arts of raising the price of football games after securing exclusive licenses are now being delivered. (more…)...
Next-Gen NBA 2K14 Has Real Voices for Player and Coach Interviews
Earlier today an NBA 2K14 gameplay video recorded off-screen showed for the first time the presence of on-court interviews at halftime and post-game. Now 2K Sports has released an official trailer showing off the new addition for the Xbox One and PS4 version of the game and most impressively they utilize the real audio from actual interviews that have taken place with players and coaches. (more…)...
Next-Gen NBA 2K14 Bringing Back Online Leagues; MyGM Mode is Single Player Offline
NBA 2K14 on the PS4 and Xbox One introduces MyGM mode - which appears to adopt many of the same ideas featured in Madden's Connected Franchise - replacing Association which had gone without much of anything in the way of improvements in recent years. 2K Sports today confirmed that there is no online component to MyGM while PS4 trophies reveal that Online Leagues are back. (more…)...
Madden NFL 25 Roster Update #11 Details
The roster update following week nine of the season for Madden NFL 25 is now available to download on both the Xbox 360 and PS3. Injuries to Aaron Rodgers (4-6 weeks) and Geno Atkins (season) will have huge impact going forward while the Dolphins also lose two offensive lineman due to the fiasco taking place down there.
Notables moving up this week include Duane Brown (+2 to 96), Tom Brady (+2 to 95), Matt Forte (+2 to 94), Joe Haden (+1 to 94), Tony Romo (+1 to 92), Philip Rivers (+1 to...
Press Row Podcast: Episode 55
In the latest edition of the Press Row Podcast the panel discusses updated thoughts on next-gen Madden NFL 25, hands-on impressions of NBA Live 14, MLB 14: The Show news and Xbox One going without baseball for at least next year, WWE 2K14 reviews, and PS4 purchase plans.
Check out the podcast through iTunes, on Android with the Stitcher app, or in the streaming player below. As always leave any feedback on the show or topics to discuss for future podcasts and hangouts in the commentsÂ...
NBA 2K14 Description of Online Mode The Park and PS4 Exclusive Content Detailed
NBA 2K14 for the PlayStation 4 is reaching stores this week and retailers have the go ahead to sell copies immediately. That means additional details on the game thanks to the back of the box feature descriptions. That we're getting actual news on the game from the back of the box a week before the new console releases is fairly mind-boggling but is indicative of just how down to the wire information will be arriving on all the sports titles for launch. (more…)...
Next-Gen Madden NFL 25 Living Worlds Trailer
Of all the areas the new Ignite Engine was supposed to be of benefit to Madden NFL 25 on Xbox One and PS4, the one that has demonstrated the least in the way of dividends in all the footage to date is "Living Worlds".
Elements that were said to be improved but have not appeared to be so include the same sparsely populated and static sidelines with generic players, completely disconnected cut scene celebrations, crowds that have numerous replicated fans in each small area and lack diversit...