Xbox One vs PS4 Loading Time Comparison
Despite all the improvements that have been welcomed in with the arrival of the new hardware one hope that hasn't been realized is that of significantly reduced loading times. With that in mind I tested Madden NFL 25 and NBA 2K14 and how long the process took in booting up the games and getting in and out of the action.
Interestingly despite the increased power capabilities on the PlayStation 4 it is the Xbox One that is proving to have an edge in loading the games faster. Where the PS4 ...
The Line Drive for November 24
The Line Drive is a weekly collection of news, links, deal alerts, and updates that didn’t necessarily warrant their own postings.
♦Make sure to get any entries in for the next-gen game giveaway!
♦Xbox One/PS4 deals for $49: NBA 2K14, FIFA 14, Madden NFL 25
♦Only a few days left to vote in the finals of the Best of the Generation tournament!
♦EA Sports released a blog on understanding the features in NBA Live 14.
♦Military unis for the Spurs and Knicks orange unis were added ...
More Concerns Over NBA 2K14 Surface As Game Has Started Crashing For Many
In the last few days there have been a large number of reports of NBA 2K14 on both Xbox One and PS4 crashing in the middle of playing games or while making progress in the various modes. No error message or anything of the sort is displayed when this happens. 2K14 just closes out back to the main menu or all the way to the dashboard and everything is lost.
This would appear most likely related to issues with the 2K servers, which have been troublesome from day one becoming one of the few ...
Press Row Hangout: Day One of Xbox One
It's the third Press Row Hangout in a week's time with this episode centered on first day experiences with the Xbox One, differences between the two next-gen console versions of Madden NFL 25 and NBA 2K14, and brief thoughts on the NBA Live 14 news from Friday. Look for the audio to be offered in podcast form within the next few days as well.
As always feel free to leave any thoughts in the comments along with any suggestions on subjects to cover in future podcasts and hangouts!
Madden NFL 25 Roster Update #13 Details
The roster update for Madden NFL 25 following week 11 of the season is out now on the Xbox One, PS4, 360, and PS3.
Players boosted significantly in this update include Josh Sitton (+1 to 97), LeSean McCoy (+1 to 96), Jarius Byrd (+1 to 96), Joe Haden (+1 to 95), Gerald McCoy (+1 to 94), Ben Roethlisberger (+2 to 92), Russell Wilson (+1 to 92), Alterraun Verner (+2 to 89), Michael Floyd (+2 to 81), E.J. Manuel (+3 to 78), Bobby Rainey (+5 to 74), and Matt McGloin (+5 to 73). Among those wh...
EA Responds to NBA Live 14 Feedback
In an unprecedented move the executive producer of NBA Live 14 has come out to publicly apologize for its deficiencies just days after release of the game. Sean O'Brien has posted a letter to consumers regarding response to the game's launch and plans on improving it.
I’m not going to lie; it’s been a rough week. As you can imagine, this isn’t exactly the NBA LIVE comeback story we were hoping for this year. We hear loud and clear that some of you are disappointed in various aspects ...
Press Row Podcast: First Impressions of the Next-Gen Sports Games
The latest Press Row Podcast features discussion on the four sports games that arrived along with the next-gen consoles. The crew rolls through initial impressions of NBA 2K14, FIFA 14, Madden NFL 25, and NBA Live 14.
A Press Row Hangout is planned for tonight to discuss everything Xbox One and how the games compare to the PS4 versions. Also look for the audio from the Hangout focused solely on NBA Live 14 to go up in podcast form by Monday.
Check out the podcast through iTunes, on An...
Next-Gen Game Deals at Amazon Today
Amazon's lightning deals today include a number of next-gen games. FIFA 14 and Madden NFL 25 have already come and gone but NBA Live 14 and Need for Speed Rivals are among those that will be available later today. Click here to go to the lightning deals page!
Currently or previously available for $49
Knack (PS4), Battlefield 4 (PS4/Xbox One), Assassin's Creed Black Flag (PS4/Xbox One)
NBA Live 14 (Xbox One/PS4)
Ryse (Xbox One)
Dead Rising (Xbox One)
Forza 5 (Xbox One)
NBA 2K14 (Xbox...