Press Row Hangout Clip: World Cup Coming to FIFA 14 Ultimate Team
In another clip from the most recent Press Row Hangout, the details of the free World Cup content coming to FIFA 14 on all platforms is discussed. What it is, whether EA made a good decision by having it as a separate mode, and if it is compelling enough to get us interested in playing. After the disappointment of 2014 FIFA World Cup not releasing for Xbox One and PS4 will this Ultimate Team mode partially fill the void for those who may have bought that game but still own FIFA 14 instead?
The Line Drive for May 25
The Line Drive is a weekly collection of news, links, deal alerts, and updates that didn’t necessarily warrant their own postings.
♦EA Sports has started listing the top players in FIFA 14 World Cup Ultimate Team.
♦An update is also coming to the mobile version of FIFA 14 with World Cup content.
♦Operation Sports takes a look at a number of pressing issues with MLB 14: The Show.
♦New video from the guys who made NBA 2K issues in real life mocking 2K management.
♦Check out th...
Press Row Hangout Clip: Reaction to First EA Sports UFC Gameplay
This past week EA Sports released the first look at UFC gameplay. With release under four weeks away, and the demo likely less than two, it was about time for people to get a look at it. Response to the footage has been mostly positive but concerns over how sim it is - granted based on just a single round likely played by two people rather than CPU - has also been raised. In this segment from the most recent Press Row Hangout the gameplay video and outlook for EA Sports UFC is discussed.
Console Release for The Golf Club Moved to Summer Time Frame
Since being officially announced early this year The Golf Club has been pegged by HB Studios as a spring release. While the game went out through Steam Early Access on PC a month ago, the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions continued to be worked on and remain unfinished even now. A few weeks back the company stated a release in May on the new consoles was unlikely which meant there was only a three week window remaining where it would still fall within the original spring expectation.
Details on the World Cup Content Coming to FIFA 14 Ultimate Team
When 2014 FIFA World Cup was announced for only the Xbox 360 and PS3, EA Sports also noted that World Cup content would be coming Ultimate Team mode in FIFA 14 on Xbox One, PS4, PS3, 360, and PC. Today the company laid out the plans for the free update to the mode which will be out on May 29.
FIFA 14 Ultimate Team: World Cup will be a separate mode within FUT. The content will come from the 32 teams involved in the tournament with all the official licensing that would be expected. The Wor...
Complete Roster for EA Sports UFC
Earlier this week the first gameplay footage of EA Sports UFC arrived and the company followed up on that with additional information including the entire roster. There are 99 fighters split between 9 divisions. That's more fighters than THQ's first attempt at UFC in 2009 but less than they included in the 2010 sequel and Undisputed 3. Keep in mind that those games also had fewer divisions meaning greater depth in those present and other creations like separate Pride versions in the final e...
EA Eyeing All-Digital Future
The transition from physical discs to digital downloads isn't advancing quite as fast as publishers, Microsoft, and Sony had hoped but that doesn't mean the ultimate goal has changed. In the recent financial call regarding last quarter, Electronic Arts CFO Blake Jorgensen discussed digital growth for the company and the desire to reach an all-digital future. (more…)...
Details on Fourth Post-Release Patch for NBA 2K14 on PS4 and Xbox One
2K Sports yesterday released a new patch for NBA 2K14 on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It marks the fourth update to the game since its release with earlier ones having to address numerous serious issues. The Xbox 360 and PS3 versions did not get a single patch as the company moved its focus almost entirely to the new systems once they had shipped.
This patch primarily works to improve The Park mode, but also fixes a particular freeze bug in MyCareer, and prevents duplicate players from...