Posts Tagged ‘ea sports world’
  • Online Dynasties Now Viewable on EASW
    Posted October 18th, 2008 at 7:32 pm 16 Comments »
    The EA Sports World functionality that allows an online dynasty in NCAA Football 09 to be viewed online has is available now. You can go directly to the NCAA Football 09 online dynasty page of EASW by clicking here. This has apparently been functioning for a few weeks now, however it appears that you are left hanging when in the off-season portion of the dynasty. The page will just show a constant "loading" message. If it isn't going to display anything during the off-season then they rea...
  • More Live 09 Screens and Highlights
    Posted October 5th, 2008 at 11:57 am 240 Comments »
    Here is another set of screenshots and highlight videos via EA Sports World for NBA Live 09. This is easily the best highlight presentation for any game to use the feature thus far. Once you get comfortable with how to use the markers and get into editing each section it is quite easy. You really want to have a vision for your highlight before even producing it. With the ability to use any of the 10 set camera angles or the free floating camera which can be placed anywhere with any zoom ther...
  • First Set of NBA Live 09 Screens and Highlights
    Posted September 30th, 2008 at 5:15 pm 248 Comments »
    With XBL restored today I was able to upload the screenshots and highlight clips that I had collected yesterday to EA Sports World. Most of these come based off requests that have been made, so if you have a player or team you'd like to see feel free to let me know in the comments. The highlights especially are fun to make but those have to come more naturally through playing so grabbing screens is easier to do on an individual basis. Continue on to see the screens and highlight videos. I...
  • NBA Live 09 EASW Videos and Screens
    Posted September 24th, 2008 at 10:46 am 229 Comments »
    Some screenshots and highlight clips from NBA Live 09 have started to make their way onto EA Sports World. These highlights have advanced since the ones for the football titles to include the ability to change camera angles (including a free floating camera), change playback speeds, and they also include sound. Continue on to view two of the videos that are currently up. (more…)...
  • EA Sports World & 2K Community
    Posted September 16th, 2008 at 9:29 am 42 Comments »
    EA Sports World has now been up for over a year. Essentially it is the community hub for the EA Sports games offering features such as video and screenshot uploading and original content. 2K Sports recently launched their own community destination which has some of the same features. Using the two NHL titles (09, 2K9) I wanted to assess EASW and the 2K community site. Continue on to read my thoughts on what both sites offer. (more…)...
  • First Facebreaker Highlights
    Posted September 7th, 2008 at 3:30 pm 22 Comments »
    Once I get more time in with Facebreaker I'll post up my full impressions but I wanted to get up some highlight clips for everyone to check out. The game includes the ability to upload the videos to the EA Sports World website. You can do this when playing with any of the characters including your created ones. Unfortunately this option isn't available for online matches. After the fight is over you have the opportunity to check out the available replays. It lists a set of different event...
  • EA Sports World Top Highlight Reel
    Posted August 30th, 2008 at 7:41 am 52 Comments »
    EA Sports World is starting to materialize with some unique content, one feature just began on Friday and is definitely worth checking out. Each and every week the top 10 highlights will be chosen and presented in a similar fashion to what you would get on Sportscenter along with commentary from the Thompson Brothers. The first top 10 for Madden 09 can now be found on the main page of the site with the other titles that have the video uploading feature getting top 10s of their own in the nea...
  • EA Sports World won’t have online dynasty component
    Posted June 10th, 2008 at 4:28 pm 24 Comments »
    Only a day after the launch of the upgraded EA Sports World comes disappointing news. In late April NCAA Football 09 producer Ben Haumiller had an interview with Gametap where he talked about the game and added the following information about online dynasty. “Our full stat tracking that goes in for dynasty will be in the online version,” Haumiller explains, “and we’re also working with EA Sports World to get our stats displayed on the Web as well. You’re going ...