Having trouble accessing NBA 2K15 or particular modes within due to server trouble? You’re not alone as documented yesterday. 2K Sports is now offering a status page where you can check on the servers specific to each platform.
Right now PS4/XB1/PC are facing “temporary service interruptions that may affect various game modes” while MyTeam mode is completely down on 360/PS3. Those messages haven’t changed since the status page was launched yesterday. [Update] 360/PS3 is now said to be fully functional but social media mentions would seem to suggest otherwise.
While Virtual Currency isn’t implemented as offensively as in 2K14 it still appears to be the culprit behind the server issues – just imagine how many times they’re pinged when VC is earned or spent – and certainly it’s the reason why outside of MyLeague mode NBA 2K is now for all intents and purposes an “always-online” game. Will NBA 2K15 be able to recover in a way that 2K14 never did? We’ll just have to wait and hope for now that it can.
Last year 2K Sports offer a mobile app to accompany NBA 2K14 in which, among other things, you could earn bonus Virtual Currency for the game. The companion app returns for NBA 2K15 and is available now on Android through Google Play. It has not yet gone out for iOS. [Update 10/11] The app is out now on iOS as well.
The MyNBA2K15 app once again will let you earn VC and you can now redeem Locker Codes, purchase items in the MyPlayer Store, and utilize a chat function from your phone/tablet when you’re actually in MyPark. There’s also “MyTeam Mobile” which is its own card game independent of the one on your console. Of course like most aspects of the actual game connecting to 2K15 through the app will be at least in part dependent on the servers. So it may or may not work for you when trying to utilize it right now.
MyNBA2K15 New Features
• MyPark Chat! – With this mobile exclusive, use your mobile device to text other players hanging out in the Park!
• MyPLAYER Store – Browse through the console store to check out and purchase items that will transfer over to the console from your mobile device.
• Redeem Locker Codes – Enter Locker Codes into MyNBA2K15 wherever you go.
• Daily VC Bonus – Grab quick VC or save up to be able to earn even more!
MyTEAM Mobile New Features
• Improved Season Matchmaking – Get paired up with opponents of equal skill for an ultra-competitive season!
• New Quick Game Reward Tiers – Quick Game rewards scale up with your team. The better your team, the better rewards you will receive.
• Card Enhancements – Each card will now have 1 to 3 slots that you can customize to boost that card’s strength. Additionally, cards now feature 5 attributes to provide even more specialization.
• Season Coach Cards – Use these cards to boost your team during important stretches.
• Positional Importance – Receive bonuses for playing players in their proper positions.
NBA 2K15’s server problems and how the game has been impacted leads the way in this episode of The Daily Dish. Then it’s on to talking about how Online Association was removed from 2K15 on 360/PS3 without consumer notification and details on the first patch for FIFA 15.
Referenced in the video
♦NBA 2K15 Server Problems
♦FIFA 15 First Patch Details
♦Press Row Podcast on iTunes and Stitcher.
The first patch for FIFA 15 is already available on PC and expected on PS4 and Xbox One in the “near future”. Given the quick turnaround time – the game has only been out two weeks – the update will naturally address the more pressing type of issues identified early or application of quick fixes rather than dig into community feedback for improvements in gameplay, presentations, or the various modes. That type of patch would probably be another month or so away based on track record from past years with the series.
♦Added the latency indicator to FIFA 15 Ultimate Team so fans can view health of connection before entering an online match.
♦Improved set-piece cameras in Online Seasons for Guest players.
♦Corrected home crowds in Match Day Live matches.
♦Fixed occurrences where the player would be unable to progress at the end of a FUT match due to the post-match menus not appearing.
♦Fix to hospitality upgrades in Career Mode and Pro Clubs.
♦Addressed exploit where players could infinitely switch kick-takers on set-pieces
♦Fixed occurrence where changes to Subs/Reserves are not brought into Season matches
♦Fixed issue where non-user controlled players run to kick-off circle at match start. (PC Only)
♦Fixed occurrences where players couldn’t progress through Virtual Pro creation. (PC only)
[Update] The patch went out on 10/14 for Xbox One and PS4.
It’s a familiar story – server outages on release and in the days following for an NBA 2K game. What shifted dramatically last year with 2K14 was the impact server outages would have on consumers. It was for all intents and purposes an always-online game and that meant when the servers were down so was the ability to continue to play just about every mode in the game. It wasn’t just online play or MyTeam but MyCareer and MyGM that would go down with it due to the Virtual Currency implementation.
2K Sports seemed to reverse course to an extent in NBA 2K15 in regards to the extreme nature of VC and with it even introduced an offline-only MyLeague mode. Unfortunately server-related VC ties are still there for MyCareer and MyGM and issues are have already greatly affected consumers in a number of ways. Read more
Two big subjects are discussed in today’s episode of The Daily Dish. First up are brief early impressions of NBA 2K15 having spent time with the face scanning feature, MyCareer, MyPark, and Online. Then it’s on to the big patch just released for Madden NFL 15.
Referenced in the video
♦Head Scanning in NBA 2K15
♦Madden NFL 15 First Patch
♦Pastapadre Twitter
♦Pastapadre Twitch
It’s NBA 2K15 release day so join me for a stream that will run a couple hours checking out various aspects of the game. I also plan to be back this evening to stream again. Feel free as well to check out the live stream below from last night broken into two parts – starting up MyCareer mode and an online game which ran fairly well. Read more
Despite frustration from some consumers EA Sports was not actually behind schedule in terms of releasing the first patch for Madden NFL 15. Anticipation has been high for it however and updates did arrive today on PS4, Xbox One, 360, and PS3. That puts it ahead of the typical time frame for the first big patch with them having landed in previous years in mid-late October.
The patch applies fixes to the offline Connected Franchise that had already gone through as server-side updates for online ones. It also addresses various gripes related to gameplay and presentation. Continue on for the full details on the patches! Read more