The face comparisons between NBA 2K15 and NBA Live 15 continue with the last of the players to be assessed. Make sure to get your votes in for both the first set of 10 and the second set of 10. Results will be revealed later this week.
Continue on to check out the final group of player faces, cast your votes, and leave any more thoughts in the comments! Read more
After a month of PlayStation 4 exclusivity The Stage has made it to the Xbox One and PC versions of NBA 2K15. The mode went live for the two on Saturday.
The Stage is an offshoot from MyPark which involves 3v3 and 5v5 games with VC on the line. Wagers are capped but a higher maximum remains exclusive to PS4. Anyone can team up for games in The Stage unlike The Park and Jordan Rec Center where affiliations (the three factions) often prevent people from joining sides freely.
To reach The Stage enter MyCareer mode and from the main nav bar go to MyPark and then select The Stage (Ante-Up).
The Line Drive is a weekly collection of news, links, deal alerts, and updates that didn’t necessarily warrant their own postings.
♦Catch up on the week’s news with the YT playlist of Daily Dish episodes!
♦MLB 14: The Show on PS4 is currently available for $25 on Amazon.
♦New developer blog details the work put into in-game audio with NBA Live 15.
♦A big content update was made for Madden NFL 15 Ultimate Team mode.
♦VICE explains how it was able to get violent content into the original NFL Blitz.
♦A Reddit user created very helpful Skill Move cheat sheets for FIFA 15.
♦EA Sports released a trailer promoting the recent update to FIFA World.
♦Soon legends are going to be added to Ultimate Team in NHL 15.
♦HB Studios blog mentions some features coming in the next patch for The Golf Club.
♦The artists for the Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 soundtrack have been announced.
♦Tony Hawk announced that a new console game is coming sometime next year.
♦World Series Game 7 bottom of the 9th has been recreated using RBI Baseball.
♦The latest Breaking Madden episode chronicles the many careers of Mark Sanchez.
♦Another real life video recreation of FIFA 15 this time replicating various skill moves.
♦Check out the new alternate jerseys for the Celtics that’ll be worn this season.
♦Amazon has Infamous: Second Son right now for just $25.
News and content that may have been missed from the last week around the site.
♦Blu-ray DVD Releases This Week. Headlined by How to Train Your Dragon 2.
♦Game of Thrones Season 4 Pre-Order. Not out till February but $40 is 50% off MSRP.
♦Star Wars Episode VII Title Official. Announced as The Force Awakens.
♦Trailer for Battle of the Five Armies. The final chapter in The Hobbit trilogy.
♦Trailer for Minions. Spin-off from Despicable Me opens July 10, 2015.
♦Trailer for Chappie. The next film from Neill Blomkamp.
♦Toy Story 4 coming in 2017. John Lasseter directing and Rashida Jones writing.
2K Sports has made great strides with the roster update support for NBA 2K15. They’re arriving daily now with changes to just about everything – accessories, shoes, injuries, rotations, signature shots, tendencies and of course ratings.
One positive being seen already is a willingness to adjust big name players down. That’s something 2K hesitated to do in the past. Moving LeBron James down a point is significant not because it makes him worse in the game but in demonstrating they’re now more interested in representing the top players properly than worrying about offending them.
The consistency so far has been promising and the attention to detail impressive. The only concern might be long-term similar to what Madden NFL faces. Over the course of the season more players going up and at a higher rate than those going down leads to a roster that doesn’t differentiate skill levels well. 2K15 is showing early signs of that with this week 31 players having their overall go up but only 18 down. 44 overall points moved up but just 23 down.
Beneficiaries this week from the updates include Rockets teammates James Harden and Dwight Howard who both move up 1 to 89, DeMarcus Cousins up 2 to 88, and Isaiah Thomas who is now +3 on the season as he moves to 83 overall. Taking a hit are James dropping 1 to 97, Damian Lillard going down 1 to 86, and Dion Waiters falling 2 to 77. Check out all the ratings changes from the week in the spreadsheet here.
In the final Daily Dish episode of the week topics include some of the recent player ratings movement made in the roster updates for NBA 2K15, the second set of player faces to compare and vote on between 2K15 and NBA Live 15, another update is being worked on for The Golf Club, and a new Press Row Podcast is out.
Referenced in the video
♦Live vs 2K Faces Part Two
♦New Press Row Podcast
The latest Press Row Podcast features full panel discussion first focusing on Madden NFL 15 now over two months out from release. What has held up well, where has it slipped, and how could it be better? Then the talk shifts to Electronic Arts’ strong financials as of late which has primarily been due to digital revenue through Ultimate Team and mobile. How is that focus benefiting or harming the genre? There’s also some listener questions taken at the end including a wishlist discussion for MLB 15: The Show.
Check out the podcast through iTunes for iOS and the Stitcher app for Android – subscribe while there to help support the show! You can also listen in the streaming player below.
Here is the second set of 10 players compared between NBA 2K15 and NBA Live 15. Make sure to cast your votes in the first group that went out yesterday!
The final 10 will be posted on Monday with results following mid-next week. Continue on to vote on this set of 10 players! Read more
In this episode the first 10 player face comparisons with NBA 2K15 vs NBA Live 15 have gone up to vote on, details on the latest Madden NFL 15 roster update, NBA Live 15 has received its first roster update, and a preview of tomorrow’s Press Row Podcast.
Referenced in the post
♦First Set of NBA Face Comparisons
♦Latest Madden Roster Update Details
♦Press Row Podcast: iTunes – Stitcher