Padrecast: MLB 2K9 Feature List
In the latest Padrecast I'm again joined by Chase Becotte from Operation Sports to discuss the feature list revealed a few days ago for MLB 2K9. It runs longer than we had anticipated (52:27) which can likely be attributed to the numerous severe problems with the game last year giving us plenty to talk about. The features that are now known appear to be an attempt to clean up those technical and design issues and make the game more accessible.
To listen in you can either download the file...
Padrecast: MLB 09 The Show Fact Sheet
It's the return of the Padrecast! After doing a handful of them last year I wasn't really satisfied with what I was able to offer on my own. The idea though is to have a shorter, more focused discussion that is unedited and just presented as-is. I'm joined by my OS Waiver Wire co-host Chase Becotte in what should be a continuing series of them. It's a change of pace from the normal show we would do.
To kick it off we wanted to discuss the MLB 09 The Show fact sheet. We basically just run ...
Utopia Podcast 12/29
Earlier today I joined Chris Jacobs (CDJ) of ncaaStrategies to record the Utopia Podcast. Over the course of an hour and a half we review the year in sports gaming. This is done primarily by going through the Top 10 sports games of the year I laid out over the last couple weeks and discussing each one in detail as well as why some others didn't make the cut. There are also some thoughts added on where the games could be headed next year.
To listen to the podcast download it directly here or...
Waiver Wire Podcast 12/18
This week in the Operation Sports Waiver Wire Podcast: Chase and I discuss the leaked MLB 09: The Show info (recorded prior to the most recent details), our interest level in MLB Front Office Manager, the impact of Online Team Play modes, how the process behind the Madden roster updates should be improved, and how Playstation Home could benefit sports gamers down the line.
To download directly click here. You can also subscribe via iTunes here....
Waiver Wire Podcast 12/10
After a week off due to the Thanksgiving holiday Chase and I are back for another edition of the Operation Sports Wavier Wire Podcast. This time around we discuss some of the recent game announcements, the change to the pitching mechanics of MLB 2K9, and the patches for NBA 2K9 and NCAA Basketball 09.
To download the podcast directly click here. You can also subscribe through iTunes here....
Pastapadre on OS Waiver Wire Podcast
Once again Chase from Operation Sports and I have teamed up for the Waiver Wire Podcast. This week we discuss a number of topics including the Arena Football license, thoughts on a potential EA Sports/Gamestop "Season Pass", the broken roster sharing in NCAA Basketball 09, and the NXE update.
To download the file directly click here. You can also subscribe via iTunes here. Feel free to leave your thoughts on the show in the comments....
Pastapadre on OS Waiver Wire Podcast
For a second time I joined Chase from Operation Sports for the Waiver Wire podcast. Amongst the wide array of topics discussed is the emergence of the NBA 2K series as a dominant sales force and what that means, the MLB 2K9 cover announcement, the possible move towards subscription and advertising based gaming, and the good and bad of downloadable content.
Click here to download the show. You can also subscribe to the podcast via iTunes here. Be sure to leave your thoughts on the podcast ...
Pastapadre on NCAA Strategies Podcast
Time for another podcast as I joined Chris Jacobs from NCAA Strategies to discuss NCAA Basketball 09 as it nears release. Topics were pretty wide-ranging and include general demo impressions, the perception of the game and apathy towards it, whether enough was done to pull in the abandoned College Hoops crowd, and how college games have a distinctive disadvantage compared to their professional counterparts.
For all ways to listen to the podcast you can check out the posting on NCAA Strategies...