Archive for the ‘Podcasts and Hangouts’ Category
  • Press Row Podcast: Episode 16
    Posted March 22nd, 2013 at 10:15 am 2 Comments
    The latest edition of the Press Row Podcast features discussion on the resignation of Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitiello, thoughts on Tiger Woods 14 as release approaches, evaluation of the Madden NFL 25 cover tournament, responses to some listener questions, and the panelist picks for the Final Four. The show had to be recorded earlier than usual, late on Monday, so there's a good chance everyone already looks foolish in regards to the NCAA picks. Check it out through iTunes or with ...
  • Press Row Hangout: Episode 4
    Posted March 14th, 2013 at 11:15 am 6 Comments
    The fourth episode of the Press Row Hangout features the trio of myself, Rich Grisham of GamesRadar, and for the first time Samit Sarkar from Polygon. We are joined by special guest Steve Berneman from OverDog to discuss what the service the company is planning to deliver for gamers and the ongoing Kickstarter campaign. Other topics include how our respective Road to the Show players are doing in MLB 13: The Show, the Madden NFL 13 and NCAA Football 13 cover votes, and what new franchise...
  • Press Row Podcast: Episode 14
    Posted March 8th, 2013 at 8:45 pm 1 Comment
    Baseball takes center stage in the latest edition of the Press Row Podcast. Extended discussion focuses on the impressions from the panelists of MLB 13: The Show which is then followed by an evisceration of MLB 2K13. The episode runs over an hour and a half and could have even gone on far longer. A must listen for anyone interested in baseball gaming this year. Check it out through iTunes or with the embedded player at Operation Sports. Feel free to leave any feedback and suggestions o...
  • Press Row Hangout: Episode 3
    Posted February 28th, 2013 at 6:45 pm 2 Comments
    The third episode of the Press Row Hangout features the duo of myself and Rich Grisham of GamesRadar. Ideally the shows will offer three or more contributors going forward but it was just unable to come together this week. Topics discussed include the possibility of game prices going up with the next generation, MLB 13: The Show info and lack thereof for MLB 2K13, the choice made by both to go without demos, the never-ending NCAA Football 14 cover vote process, and more thoughts on the PS4. ...
  • Press Row Podcast: Episode 13
    Posted February 23rd, 2013 at 11:45 am 3 Comments
    Discussion in the latest edition of the Press Row Podcast focuses on reactions to the unveiling of the PlayStation 4, the move of WWE to Take Two being official, and responding to a few listener questions. Given the magnitude of the PS4 news that carries the majority of the discussion. Check it out through iTunes or with the embedded player at Operation Sports. Feel free to leave any feedback and suggestions on topics for future podcasts as well as the third show of the Press Row Hango...
  • Press Row Hangout: Episode 2
    Posted February 14th, 2013 at 10:30 am 2 Comments
    The latest edition of the Press Row Hangout features myself, Richard Grisham from GamesRadar, and Owen Good from Kotaku. Discussion includes the origin of the Stick Jockey column, our respective approaches to sports gaming coverage, the recent college football game Kickstarter scam, and thoughts on the potential of used games being blocked on the new consoles. As always leave any thoughts or suggestions on the show and potential topics for future episodes in the comments! (more…)...
  • Press Row Podcast: Episode 12
    Posted February 9th, 2013 at 10:00 am 7 Comments
    Discussion in the latest edition of the Press Row Podcast focuses on the prospects for MLB 2K13 as release nears, the outlook for sports games on the Wii U now that third parties are already starting to abandon it, a long-awaited segment on what works for mobile sports gaming, and responding to some listener questions. It's a full house with a panel of six on board. Check it out through iTunes or with the embedded player at Operation Sports. Feel free to leave any feedback and suggestions...
  • Press Row Hangout: Pilot Episode
    Posted January 31st, 2013 at 10:15 am 14 Comments
    The Press Row Podcast has been rolling along for 11 episodes and now comes an attempted spin-off with the Press Row Hangout. Broadcasting live, and then archived to Youtube, this is something that could become a regular feature or end up more for special events or discussions. In the premiere Richard Grisham from GamesRadar and I recap the awards season going game-by-game and then respond to some viewer mail regarding the pending lawsuit against the NCAA, CLC, and EA Sports and what that...