Press Row Podcast: Episode 23
The latest edition of the Press Row Podcast includes discussion on the panel's most dramatic sports gaming losses, complete analysis of the Ultimate Team news for NCAA Football 14 and the prospects for the mode, and responses to some listener questions. It's definitely one of the best shows yet!
Check it out through iTunes or with the embedded player at Operation Sports. With the big Microsoft event on Tuesday the 21st look for the Press Row Hangout to air live that night for initial reac...
Press Row Hangout: Episode 8
The brand new edition of the Press Row Hangout features myself, Rich Grisham from GamesRadar, and Owen Good from Kotaku.
Discussion is primarily centered on news out of EA and the investor call of the last week including UFC not launching this fiscal year, NBA Live possibly being a next-gen product, rumored Microsoft exclusivity of some sort, and Andrew Wilson selling off all his stock. As always the panel closes the show out by responding to some viewer questions and this time they relat...
Press Row Podcast: Episode 21
The latest edition of the Press Row Podcast features a full panel to discuss the big topics of the moment including the apparent cancellation of next year's Tiger Woods entry as focus shifts to a next-gen version, the rumblings around possible EA exclusivity to Microsoft, and thoughts and concerns on the first news relating to Madden NFL 25.
Check it out through iTunes or with the embedded player at Operation Sports. Feel free to leave any feedback and suggestions on topics for futur...
Press Row Hangout: Episode 7
The latest edition of the Press Row Hangout features myself, Rich Grisham from GamesRadar, and Owen Good from Kotaku. Topics include the cancellation of Tiger Woods 15, the choice of some companies to skip E3, the first gameplay news on Madden NFL 25 and whether the game is being marketed more towards the casual crowd, and then the panel responds to some viewer questions. It's an especially relevant and timely show taking on big news from the last few days. As always leave any feedback on t...
Press Row Podcast: Episode 20
The latest edition of the Press Row Podcast features discussion on the first news for FIFA 14, NHL 14, and NCAA Football 14 - along with thoughts on the rapidly dissipating third party support for the Wii U and Vita and how the rollout of next-gen info on Madden, FIFA, and NBA 2K may come in the months ahead.
Check it out through iTunes or with the embedded player at Operation Sports. Feel free to leave any feedback and suggestions on topics for future podcasts as well as the seventh...
Press Row Hangout: Episode 6
The latest edition of the Press Row Hangout features myself, Richard Grisham from GamesRadar, and Owen Good from Kotaku. Joining us is Brad Cook from Out of the Park Baseball 14 to discuss the game which releases today for those who pre-ordered and goes wide Monday. Other topics include our progress in Tiger Woods 14, the Madden NFL 25 cover vote, the possibility of another NBA game from EA Sports, and answering viewer questions related to college basketball gaming and the player likeness la...
Press Row Podcast: Episode 18
The latest edition of the Press Row Podcast features expansive discussion on Tiger Woods 14 and all the news related to NCAA Football 14 from the week. A number of listener questions are also attended to.
Check it out through iTunes, with the embedded player at Operation Sports, or through the direct MP3 link here. Feel free to leave any feedback and suggestions on topics for future podcasts as well as the sixth show of the Press Row Hangout next week!...
Press Row Hangout: Episode 5
The latest edition of the Press Row Hangout features myself and Rich Grisham from GamesRadar. Discussion falls heavily on Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14 before giving way to the recent PAX East sports gaming panel, the Madden NFL 25 cover vote, and answering some viewer questions. As always leave any feedback on the show or suggestions for future discussions in the comments!