Press Row Hangout: Episode 12
The latest episode of the Press Row Hangout takes on topics such as the emotion (or lack thereof) found currently in sports games and how that compares to the real thing, the file sharing features for Madden NFL 25, Microsoft choosing not to include a headset with the Xbox One, and the community's feelings on NCAA Football 14 following the release of the demo. The show closes by responding to some viewer submitted questions.
Press Row Podcast: Episode 29
On the latest episode of the Press Row Podcast the panel discusses the move by Microsoft to drop their restrictive DRM, the NCAA Football 14 demo, and continue with additional thoughts relating to the sports games showcased at E3.
Check out the podcast through iTunes and now on Android with the Stitcher app or through the embedded player at Operation Sports. As always leave any feedback on the show or topics to discuss for future ones in the comments!...
Where The Next-Gen Consoles Now Stand
In the middle of the night I felt compelled to record some thoughts on the big news of Wednesday which had Microsoft backing off their insistence of restrictive DRM and an every 24 hour online check-in with the Xbox One. Check out the article on the subject if you haven't already.
Many have asked now what console I would now recommend - and I somewhat address that in the video - but there is no clear cut answer to give. It becomes more about preferences. The smartest move would be to pre...
Press Row Podcast: E3 On-Location Special
The latest Press Row Podcast deviates from the usual formula to tackle some presentations and a number of interviews with developers and attendees at E3. (more…)...
Press Row Hangout: E3 Day One Edition
A special edition of the Press Row Hangout went live late last night featuring myself and Rich Grisham from GamesRadar. Discussion of course centered on everything we saw on the show floor on the first day of E3 plus thoughts on the console reveals and anything else that happened to come to mind. Thanks to everyone who has let us know about the appreciation for the hangouts and podcasts and we're glad you've been enjoying them!
Press Row Podcast: Episode 27
The latest edition of the Press Row Podcast focuses almost entirely on E3 with discussion on memories from past events and expectations for the event next week. Keep in mind though this was recorded prior to Microsoft confirming policies regarding second hand games and online requirements - something I'll be posting thoughts on later today.
Check it out through iTunes and now on Android with the Stitcher app or through the embedded player at Operation Sports. As always leave any feed...
Two Press Row Hangouts: Pre-E3 Edition and Post-Xbox One Reveal
The latest edition of the Press Row Hangout was recorded last night and features myself, Rich Grisham from GamesRadar, and Owen Good from Kotaku. Topics range from where things stand now one week after the Xbox One reveal, reaction to the Dynasty news for NCAA Football 14, Keith the "famous" contributor to the comments section and a subject he raised recently, E3 predictions with the event less than two weeks away, and more!
Also presented now is the show that was recorded last week o...
Press Row Podcast: Xbox One Reveal
In this episode of the Press Row Podcast the panel discusses everything that came out of the Xbox One event and the news that followed. That includes the console's capabilities, the practices in regards to used games and online connection being required, and the EA Sports Ignite engine that will be implemented in Xbox One and PS4 franchises.
Check it out through iTunes and now on Android with the Stitcher app or through the embedded player at Operation Sports. As always leave any feedba...