Press Row Podcast: Madden NFL 25 Review Edition
The latest Press Row Podcast features the full panel breaking down Madden NFL 25 in great detail. There's a wide variety of opinions on how this year's effort shakes out and it makes for interesting discussion. The show runs for over two hours making it the lengthiest one yet.
Check out the podcast through iTunes, on Android with the Stitcher app, or in the streaming player below. As always leave any feedback on the show or topics to discuss for future podcasts and hangouts in the c...
Press Row Hangout: Madden NFL 25 Review Edition
With the release of Madden NFL 25 yesterday through Season Ticket and various outlets reviewing the game - make sure to check out my extensive general impressions and look at Connected Franchise along with Rich Grisham's review at GamesRadar - the two of us discuss our thoughts on Madden this year and survey a number of tweets sent in by viewers in this Press Row Hangout. Late next week the Press Row Podcast will bring the whole panel together to debate the merits of current-gen Madden NFL ...
Press Row Podcast: Episode 36
One of the best episodes of the Press Row Podcast yet features extensive discussion on the latest developments relating to college video games as conferences withdraw their licensing and support and whether EA Sports college football series can survive these losses and more that are eventually to come. Also on the docket is the first substantial news about NBA 2K14, thoughts on the Road to Wrestlemania mode for WWE 2K14, and the panel sharing impressions of the Madden NFL 25 demo and the out...
Press Row Hangout: Episode 14
The Press Row Hangout is back with topics covering how consumers are approaching games that will release on both generations later this year, developments in the NCAA lawsuit and handling of merchandise now following withdrawal from video games, NHL 14 Live the Life mode, next week's Madden NFL 25 demo, and responses to listener questions.
Press Row Podcast: Episode 34
The latest Press Row Podcast tackles online gaming and the problems that comes with it, what's being anticipated from Madden NFL 25, and the latest legal developments affecting EA Sports.
Check out the podcast through iTunes and now on Android with the Stitcher app or in the streaming player below! As always leave any feedback on the show or topics to discuss for future ones in the comments!
Press Row Podcast: Episode 31
The latest Press Row Podcast is an epic one featuring a lengthy discussion on the NCAA's decision to no longer provide a license for video games and what the fallout could be for EA Sports. Also included are some thoughts on WWE 2K14 following a recent media event and quick assessments of the best and worst things about NCAA Football 14.
Check out the podcast through iTunes and now on Android with the Stitcher app or through the embedded player at Operation Sports. As always leave an...
Press Row Hangout: Episode 13
On the docket for this week's Press Row Hangout are thoughts on the critical reception to NCAA Football 14, the inclusion of an NHL 94 mode in NHL 14, and which next-gen game we're looking forward to most. The show also opens with a spoiler-free discussion on our experiences with The Last of Us. As always feel free to leave any questions or suggestions for future hangouts or podcasts in the comments!
Press Row Podcast: Episode 30
The latest Press Row Podcast offers up a panel discussion regarding the current state of sports gaming coverage. The other portion of the episode is made up of NCAA Football 14 impressions from the few who had a copy early to evaluate.
Check out the podcast through iTunes and now on Android with the Stitcher app or through the embedded player at Operation Sports. As always leave any feedback on the show or topics to discuss for future ones in the comments!...