Press Row Hangout: Day One of Xbox One
It's the third Press Row Hangout in a week's time with this episode centered on first day experiences with the Xbox One, differences between the two next-gen console versions of Madden NFL 25 and NBA 2K14, and brief thoughts on the NBA Live 14 news from Friday. Look for the audio to be offered in podcast form within the next few days as well.
As always feel free to leave any thoughts in the comments along with any suggestions on subjects to cover in future podcasts and hangouts!
Press Row Podcast: First Impressions of the Next-Gen Sports Games
The latest Press Row Podcast features discussion on the four sports games that arrived along with the next-gen consoles. The crew rolls through initial impressions of NBA 2K14, FIFA 14, Madden NFL 25, and NBA Live 14.
A Press Row Hangout is planned for tonight to discuss everything Xbox One and how the games compare to the PS4 versions. Also look for the audio from the Hangout focused solely on NBA Live 14 to go up in podcast form by Monday.
Check out the podcast through iTunes, on An...
Press Row Hangout: NBA Live 14 Edition
A special Press Row Hangout features panel discussion focused entirely on NBA Live 14. It's a must watch for anyone seeking an idea of how the product shapes up. Look for it to be available in podcast form soon and written impressions of the game within the next few days!
Press Row Hangout in Podcast Form: PS4 Release Day Panel Discussion
Due to popular demand the Press Row Hangout will be offered in podcast form going forward soon after airing live every other Friday night! The first episode to get the podcast treatment is the big one from the end of last week where an expanded panel talked about first day experiences with the PlayStation 4 and the three sports games that arrived alongside it. If you find it more convenient to listen to as a podcast this is for you. For those who missed it and would like to watch the show as...
First Day PS4 Gameplay Videos and Press Row Hangout
An exciting first day of next-gen has come to a close and from it are several gameplay videos that were recorded followed by the live Press Row Hangout with a lengthy full panel discussion on the system and the sports games. Continue on to check out gameplay videos for Madden NFL 25, FIFA 14, and NBA 2K14 along with the hangout! (more…)...
Press Row Podcast: Episode 55
In the latest edition of the Press Row Podcast the panel discusses updated thoughts on next-gen Madden NFL 25, hands-on impressions of NBA Live 14, MLB 14: The Show news and Xbox One going without baseball for at least next year, WWE 2K14 reviews, and PS4 purchase plans.
Check out the podcast through iTunes, on Android with the Stitcher app, or in the streaming player below. As always leave any feedback on the show or topics to discuss for future podcasts and hangouts in the commentsÂ...
Press Row Hangout: Episode 20
The latest edition of the Press Row Hangout features discussion on NBA Live 14 and NBA 2K14 just a few weeks from their respective next-gen releases, cover news for MLB 14: The Show, what the loss of Tiger Woods means for EA Sports' golf series, confirmation of 2014 FIFA World Cup, and much more. The next show will be live on the evening of the PS4 release. As always feel free to leave your thoughts or suggestions for future podcasts and hangouts in the comments!
Press Row Podcast: Episode 52
The latest episode of the Press Row Podcast tackles the flood of info for next-gen NBA 2K14 and its first gameplay video, the state of NBA Live 14 following its first look at gameplay, and what each panelist would want feature wise next-gen that isn't already being delivered upon.
Check out the podcast through iTunes, on Android with the Stitcher app, or in the streaming player below. As always leave any feedback on the show or topics to discuss for future podcasts and hangouts in the com...