Press Row Hangout Clip: Reaction to First EA Sports UFC Gameplay
This past week EA Sports released the first look at UFC gameplay. With release under four weeks away, and the demo likely less than two, it was about time for people to get a look at it. Response to the footage has been mostly positive but concerns over how sim it is - granted based on just a single round likely played by two people rather than CPU - has also been raised. In this segment from the most recent Press Row Hangout the gameplay video and outlook for EA Sports UFC is discussed.
Press Row Podcast – MLB 14: The Show on PS4 Review Roundtable
The latest Press Row Podcast features panel discussion on MLB 14: The Show for the PlayStation 4. Areas of focus do vary somewhat from the Press Row Hangout centered on the game last week that also is now available in podcast form.
Check out the 133 minute podcast through iTunes and with the Stitcher app for Android devices. Support the show by subscribing while there! Or listen in the streaming player below.
MLB 14: The Show PS4 Impressions Hangout Now in Podcast Form
The Press Row Hangout from Thursday featuring panel discussion on the first days with the PlayStation 4 version of MLB 14: The Show has now been released as a podcast! Also included is a bonus segment with a Madden NFL producer about the first round rookies appearing in Madden NFL 25's Ultimate Team mode. The Press Row Podcast episode is available now through iTunes or with the Stitcher app for Android....
Press Row Hangout – Initial MLB 14: The Show PlayStation 4 Impressions
The highly anticipated release of MLB 14: The Show on PS4 finally arrived earlier this week. Has the game met, exceeded, or failed to reach expectations? The panel (myself, Rich Grisham, T.J. Lauerman, and Owen Good) discuss initial reactions to the game in general, online play, loading times, and debate the merits of Quick Counts. Check out the archived, originally live, hangout below and look for a full review roundtable podcast next week!
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Press Row Hangout: Episode 38
The latest edition of the Press Row Hangout features discussion on preparations for MLB 14: The Show's release day on PS4. Make sure to check out the latest Press Row Podcast which too addresses anticipation for The Show in addition to other topics. Also included in the hangout is reaction to EA Sports UFC's Career mode details and the first news on Madden NFL 25.
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Press Row Podcast: Examining The FIFA Franchise and Out of the Park Baseball
This somewhat unique episode of the Press Row Podcast features three distinct segments and some special guests. Jeremy Stein and Corey Andress join Rich and I to discuss FIFA in two of them. Up first is a review roundtable for 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil. That is followed by bringing on PR Manager for Out of the Park Baseball, Brad Cook, to talk about OOTP 15 and iOOTP '14. Finally another FIFA segment which includes extensive discussion on the EA Sports series as a whole and where it shoul...
Press Row Podcast PAX East Panel
Just over a week ago at PAX East a panel for the Press Row Podcast took place with the subject as "The Crisis in Sports Games". Specifically that refers to things like the contraction in number of games each year, the lack of true arcade games, the rigid development cycles, and whether the necessary value is there is there for consumers.
Though I wasn't in attendance for the panel these are important topics relating to the genre and there's some great insight to take from all the discus...
Press Row Hangout: Episode 37
In the latest Press Row Hangout the topics for discussion include our progress in Road to the Show and some impressions of the mode (8:58), thoughts on the recent PS4 videos for The Show (23:18), early reaction to RBI Baseball 14 (32:03), 2014 FIFA World Cup following its demo (38:24), and another "Lightning Round" (55:55)! Also for those attending PAX East in Boston, the Press Row Podcast panel takes place on Friday April 11 with the focus on the "Crisis in Sports Gaming" and the meaning be...