Archive for the ‘Podcasts and Hangouts’ Category
  • Press Row Hangout Clips: Importance of Commentary and Some Viewer Questions
    Posted July 29th, 2014 at 10:00 am 1 Comment »
    The next clips from the most recent Press Row Hangout involve a discussion over the importance of commentary in sports games and answering the first viewer questions. Even more of those will posted tomorrow. Commentary is a big factor in immersion and delivering authentic television-style presentation but many complain about it and go so far as to turn it off or listen to something else when it grows tired. Is commentary an area developers should focus on more? What consoles will lead ...
  • Press Row Hangout Clips: Are Patches Helping or Hurting Games and Publishers Fail to Provide Specifics on Last-Gen Editions
    Posted July 28th, 2014 at 11:15 am 3 Comments »
    The latest Press Row Hangout tackled a number of topics and the first two are featured in the clips below. More will be posted throughout the week and the full show audio will be featured on Friday's Press Row Podcast. 1) Patches have allowed developers to continue working on games right up to and beyond release. But is that resulting in better games or simply ones that are left unfinished while relying on consumers to hope that fixes and improvements are made later? 2) It's the first ...
  • Press Row Podcast: The Background and Journey of The Golf Club
    Posted July 25th, 2014 at 9:00 am 1 Comment »
    The latest Press Row Podcast is a one-on-one interview with host Rich Grisham and The Golf Club executive producer Peter Garcin. In a time where the sports gaming landscape has thinned out considerably due to concerns over profitability, how does an independent game come in and compete for consumers? Discussion includes design decisions made along the way, the release on Steam Early access and how feedback played a part in improving the game for it's official release, and much more. Check...
  • Press Row Podcast: The Growing Concerns Over Microtransactions
    Posted July 18th, 2014 at 1:00 pm No Comments »
    The latest Press Row Hangout tackles one of the most controversial topics in gaming today - how microtransactions are being implemented in games, the effect they have on consumers, and even the way they are influencing how games are designed. In regards to sports titles the discussion examines the beginnings of the dedicated pursuit of digital revenue with Ultimate Team, the situation now after the mess created by NBA 2K14 and potentially dangerous decision made for PES 2015, and what the fu...
  • Press Row Hangout Clips: EA’s Marketing Shift and Taking On Viewer Questions
    Posted July 14th, 2014 at 2:15 pm 1 Comment »
    The final two segments from the most recent Press Row Hangout relate to the apparent shift in marketing strategy from EA Sports and various topics sent in by viewers. The first video gives consideration to why EA is promoting their upcoming titles differently this year compared to how they have traditionally. Less is being talked about early, recording was not permitted at E3, and the information that is actually being distributed has been fairly low key and based in fundamentals. Is it ...
  • Press Row Hangout Clips: Limited Early Madden 15, FIFA 15, and NHL 15 Impressions
    Posted July 12th, 2014 at 10:15 am 10 Comments »
    The latest Press Row Hangout broadcast live on Friday night and tackled early impressions of Madden NFL 15, FIFA 15, and NHL 15 coming out of an event held by EA Sports and all the videos and information that have released to this point. They've been broken into segments dedicated to each game with the NHL portion somewhat short as the talk ended up spinning-off more towards how EA's marketing strategy appears to have shifted this year across their portfolio of sports titles. Clips featuri...
  • Press Row Podcast: The Loss of NCAA Football and Revisiting EA Sports UFC
    Posted July 4th, 2014 at 10:30 am 4 Comments »
    The latest Press Row Podcast features panel discussion on the effects of NCAA Football's cancellation and an assessment on the rocky release of EA Sports UFC. Check out the podcast through iTunes for iOS, Stitcher app for Android, and subscribe while there to help support the show! You can also listen in the streaming player below.
  • Press Row Podcast: EA UFC Roundtable
    Posted June 27th, 2014 at 10:15 am No Comments »
    The latest Press Row Podcast is a two-parter focusing on the release of EA Sports UFC. The first segment features the Operation Sports reviewer while the latter is the audio from the UFC Press Row Hangout that was held with the panel discussing the game at great length. Check out the podcast through iTunes for iOS, Stitcher app for Android, and subscribe while there to help support the show! You can also listen in the streaming player below.