Press Row Podcast: 101st Episode
The latest Press Row Podcast includes three defined segments. The first is an interview with lead producer of NHL 15 Sean Ramjagsingh on the heels of game's poorly received release. That's followed by a discussion with ESPN's Gus Ramsey about Madden NFL 15. It then wraps up with an interview of creative lead Michael Saperstein about the mobile game Tap Sports Baseball.
Check out the podcast through iTunes for iOS, the Stitcher app for Android, and subscribe while there to help support t...
Press Row Podcast 100th Episode
The Press Row Podcast has reached the 100th episode milestone. The show isn't about commemorating that but instead focuses on the panel's continued thoughts on Madden NFL 15 after nearly three weeks of release, impressions of The Golf Club which includes some spirited debate over its merits, and an assessment of the situation surrounding NHL 15.
Check out the podcast through iTunes for iOS, the Stitcher app for Android, and subscribe while there to help support the show! You can also lis...
Press Row Hangout: Madden NFL 15, The Golf Club, and NFL Showdown
The latest Press Row Hangout welcomed in former Madden creative director Ian Cummings to discuss the projects being worked on at Zynga Sports 365. The first game, NFL Showdown, just released last week and a golf game featuring Tiger Woods is next in line (3:50). Attention then turns to impressions of The Golf Club (21:30), answering viewer questions related to Madden NFL 15 (36:39), and how the PRP Madden Franchise is shaping up for this year (58:08).
First Episode of The Daily Dish
It's the debut of "The Daily Dish", a new video feature for the site that will appear every evening on weekdays and if warranted on weekends. There are plans to evolve the videocast into more but for the time being it will act as a recap of the days news with quick opinions and analysis and other observations in the sports gaming world. Everything you need to know will be compressed into just a few minutes with expansion on all that of course still available with the full articles and the re...
Press Row Podcast: NBA 2K15 Interview
In a special Press Row Podcast host Rich Grisham interviews NBA 2K's senior producer Rob Jones about what's new for 2K15 and the lessons that were learned from 2K14's rocky reception. The company rarely opens up in this manner so it's great insight into how this year's game is shaping up and the process that takes place behind the scenes. Check out the podcast through iTunes for iOS, Stitcher app for Android, and subscribe while there to help support the show! You can also listen in the stre...
Press Row Podcast: Madden NFL 15 Review Roundtable
Always one of the most anticipated Press Row Podcasts of the year is here as the latest Madden goes under the microscope! The full panel discussion runs for nearly two hours and even then there was no way to get to everything Madden NFL 15 has to offer.
The variety of opinions on this year's product, and breakdowns of what it has done well and where it still needs vast improvement, will make it a compelling listen for anyone that has interest in the series and where it needs to go in f...
Press Row Hangout: Reacting to the News of No EASHL and GM Connected in Xbox One and PS4 NHL 15
A full panel was on hand to discuss the confirmation that there will be no EA Sports Hockey League or GM Connected modes in the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 version of NHL 15. It's tremendously bad news for the game and some of its most hardcore fans who would never have even contemplated this as a possibility, and the way EA Sports has handled it could have even longer-lasting ramifications to the series than just a single year. The show is now archived to watch for those who couldn't make i...
Press Row Hangout: Madden NFL 15 EA Access Early Play Limited to Six Hours
With the EA Access details for Madden NFL 15 finally being clarified yesterday a panel featuring myself (@Pastapadre), Rich Grisham (@RichGrisham), T.J. Lauerman (@ThatSportsGamer), and Pete Dodd (@atPeteDodd) got together for a discussion on the news.
Madden will be limited to six hours in its early play period...something that was hidden until three days before it starts. EA however had no problem pushing consumers to subscribe for the three weeks beforehand. Is the six hour limitation...