Archive for the ‘Podcasts and Hangouts’ Category
  • Press Row Hangout Clips: League Progress and Latest on the NBA Games
    Posted November 3rd, 2014 at 12:15 pm 1 Comment »
    The latest live Press Row Hangout that was held over the weekend was focused on just a handful of topics but ran longer than we typical shoot for as it went for over two hours. So I've gone ahead and broken it into segments to make it easier to watch. If you'd prefer to watch in its entirety in a single sitting the complete video is archived on Youtube. Here though are the two segments from the broadcast and the remaining two will be posted tomorrow. The first video features the intro,...
  • Press Row Podcast: NBA Live 15 Interview and the Death of Online Leagues
    Posted October 31st, 2014 at 2:45 pm 2 Comments »
    The latest Press Row Podcast features two distinct segments. In the first host Rich Grisham interviews two NBA Live producers about this year's game and their hopes of where the series could go in the future. Then the full panel returns for a discussion on what appears to be the end of Online Leagues as a priority feature with only Madden now offering a complete and fully functional experience while other series shift their development efforts elsewhere. Check out the podcast through iTun...
  • Press Row Podcast: State of NBA 2K15 and NBA Live 15 Impressions
    Posted October 25th, 2014 at 11:15 am 5 Comments »
    The latest Press Row Podcast features full panel discussion on how NBA 2K15 has settled in after a few weeks of release and then expectations for NBA Live 15. That is followed by a segment where I discuss at length complete impressions of NBA Live 15 following the six hours of the EA Access period. Check out the podcast through iTunes for iOS and the Stitcher app for Android - subscribe while there to help support the show! You can also listen in the streaming player below. http:/...
  • Press Row Hangout: The Future of Gaming
    Posted October 20th, 2014 at 10:00 am 3 Comments »
    In the latest Press Row Hangout the panel reexamines opinions on the "digital-future" of gaming (28:25), as well as the effect that a game going completely or primarily "always-online" such as NBA 2K15 and Driveclub has on consumers (43:43). In addition there's discussion on whether a subscription model for sports games still seems plausible (1:21:19), thoughts on the lack of a demo for NBA Live 15 (1:03:26), and our continued experiences with games like Madden NFL 15, FIFA 15, and MLB 14: T...
  • Press Row Podcast: First Days of NBA 2K15
    Posted October 11th, 2014 at 3:15 pm 2 Comments »
    The latest Press Row Podcast features panel discussion on early experiences with NBA 2K15. The product offers a lot of good - from gameplay to presentation and variety of content - but has been hampered by severe struggles in areas such as the servers and face scanning. Check out the podcast through iTunes for iOS and the Stitcher app for Android - subscribe while there to help support the show! You can also listen in the streaming player below.
  • Press Row Hangout: In the Midst of Busy Sports Gaming Season
    Posted October 6th, 2014 at 10:00 am 1 Comment »
    It's the best time of the year for sports gaming fans and in the latest Press Row Hangout we start by discussing our recent experiences with games like Madden NFL 15, FIFA 15, The Golf Club, and MLB 14: The Show. After that it's on to impressions of Forza Horizon 2 (22:25) followed by a discussion of why Madden NFL 15 hasn't received a patch yet (31:50) and a look ahead to NBA 2K15 and what we're most anticipating with that game (39:37). ComplexEmbed.Application.initialize({cId: "hxdDd3cD...
  • Press Row Podcast: Episode 102
    Posted September 27th, 2014 at 1:45 pm No Comments »
    A new Press Row Podcast is out and features panel discussion on experiences with the games that everyone has been playing in recent weeks, early impressions of FIFA 15, and the viability of the yearly release schedule for sports games given how many have been delayed or disappointing on the new generation of consoles as of late. Check out the podcast through iTunes for iOS and the Stitcher app for Android - subscribe while there to help support the show! You can also listen in the st...
  • Press Row Hangout: Episode 52
    Posted September 22nd, 2014 at 9:00 am No Comments »
    The latest episode of the Press Row Hangout features discussion on a number of topics that include FIFA 15 impresssions (3:22), the desyncs that are devastating Madden NFL 15 Online Franchise (15:40) and the recent announcements related to NBA 2K15 (34:12). Others like NBA Live 15's delay, the return of NHL 2K as a mobile game, the new indie Super Mega Baseball for PS4/PS3, and Forza Horizon 2 are also touched on. ComplexEmbed.Application.initialize({cId: "15YjRtcDq6cyC0hyXFUtckhpzg1yvsJv...