Press Row Podcast: The evolving marketing of sports video games
In recent years video game publishers have made dramatic shifts in how they promote their upcoming products. Whether it’s holding back information longer or who it is that gets early access to spread information and media, the marketing landscape has changed as fewer games are released and they become more reliant on generating year-round digital revenue.
In this episode of the Press Row Podcast we discuss why marketing tactics are evolving and whether any consumer concerns are justifie...
Press Row Podcast: Sports Gaming Preseason
If it didn't already feel like sports the gaming season is just about upon us it certainly does now. Online betas for two of the upcoming games are currently active and two other highly-anticipated games have revealed details on a number of significant features and improvements.
In this episode of the Press Row Podcast the panel discusses impressions of the NHL 18 and PES 2018 betas, detailed info on improvements for the two franchise modes in NBA 2K18, and various community requests that...
Press Row Podcast: Pick One
The start of the sports gaming season is nearly upon us and in this episode of the Press Row Podcast the panel looks ahead by playing a game called "Pick One." Each person picks the one sports game they would choose this fall - and only one - then choose the one sports game franchise as their 'gotta have it.' Also discussed: impressions of Fire Pro Wrestling World and the latest with MLB The Show 17.
Check out the podcast through iTunes for iOS, on Android with the Stitcher app, or ...
Press Row Podcast: Four years since NCAA Football’s cancellation
This last Tuesday marked what would have been the release of NCAA Football 18 had the series not been cancelled in 2013. There also hasn't been a college basketball game since 2009. How did we get to where we are now that college sports is barely represented in gaming? What is the potential for college sports to make any sort of comeback in the future? It's a subject that was covered in a piece written earlier this week for Sporting News.
Everything from the lawsuits that began eight year...
Press Row Podcast: Reflecting on the first half of 2017
This episode of the Press Row Podcast looks back at the games that released and biggest stories to have developed through the mid-point of the year. MLB The Show 17, NBA Playgrounds, The Golf Club 2, ARMS, Rocket League and more are reassessed and news on eSports, digital subscription services, story modes, and new consoles are revisited.
Check out the podcast through iTunes for iOS, on Android with the Stitcher app, or with Pocket Casts on iOS, Android, and Windows. The show can als...
Press Row Podcast: The Golf Club 2 Impressions
Nearly three years have passed since HB Studios debuted The Golf Club and now its sequel has just released. This episode of the Press Row Podcast examines The Golf Club 2 with discussion on its ultra-realistic gameplay, improvements to accessibility, new features, and unfortunate server problems.
Other topics covered during the show include patch restrictions on the Nintendo Switch discovered through NBA Playgrounds' struggles to get an update out that could threaten post-release support ...
Press Row Podcast: E3 impressions and NHL 18 news
Having extensively discussed all the big news that came out of EA Play and E3 in the last two podcast episodes, Kat Bailey is now welcomed to the show to go over some hands-on impressions from the show floor for Madden NFL 18, FIFA 18, and Pro Evolution Soccer 18 before turning to a breakdown of all the news on NHL 18 which includes several confirmed features (NHL Threes arcade mode and Expansion) and an upcoming online beta.
Check out the podcast through iTunes for iOS, on Android with...
Press Row Podcast: E3 2017 Recap
After covering the reveals from the EA Play press briefing in the last show, this episode of the Press Row Podcast features discussion on the rest of the news to come out of E3 week. That includes the Sony and Microsoft presentations (with the finalized details on the Xbox One X), more details on the Nintendo Switch version of FIFA 18 and what it means for its prospects for success, the announcement of an online beta for Pro Evolution Soccer 2018, and the disaster that E3 created by welcomin...