Hockey Games Experiencing Freeze Issues
Both NHL 10 and NHL 2K10 released yesterday and reports have been coming in of freezing issues with both. Various forums have posts from users who are having their games crash. For NHL 10 problems seem to be occurring in random places within games as well as during menu navigation or while in lobbies. NHL 2K10 sees the freeze happen primarily on face-offs when the ref does not drop the puck and users have yet to be able to narrow down the possible circumstances that could be causing it.
Thoughts on NHL 10
The NHL franchise from EA Sports has been breaking ground over the past few years along with the FIFA franchise. For sports that are not overly popular in the US, these games have proven that quality, depth, and fun factor can result in them reaching consumers who aren't necessarily fans or close followers.
While reviews have been glowing (currently averaging an 9.1) NHL 10 is currently up over 09 just barely as some of the reviews have actually been lower. This is a curious development b...
NHL 10 Demo Arrives
After several EA Sports releases with demos that either did not do a good job of displaying improvements or being tied into preorders in some manner comes a reversal of sorts with NHL 10. The demo is available to everyone (no preorder requirements) and is now up for the 360 and will be out for the PS3 next Thursday. Not only does the demo offer extended stretches of play but it also has unique scenarios and two different modes of play. Skill level, game style, and camera angles are adjustabl...
July 09 Sales Numbers
The NCAA Football series has shown minimal growth on the 360 even as the user base has increased over the last couple years, though on the PS3 side it has been showing marginal improvement. Either way it hasn't been an encouraging pattern as it almost seems as though sales of a college football game have peaked with them presenting very little interest to anyone outside of that group that already gets it. Certainly the total number of sales has declined as the PS2 has dropped off more than t...
FNR4 Patch Problems
Last week the first patch and downloadable content for Fight Night Round 4 made its way out on the 360 and was expected out today for the PS3. However issues have arisen with it on the 360 and Sony has rejected the update in certification.
Reports quickly started coming in that the 360 update was causing numerous oddities including button configurations being defaulted in online matches and fighters not in the game showing up in the fighter select screen. Ironically the patch that is supp...
NHL 10 Pre-Order Bonus
There has been a lot of discussion recently over the pre-order bonuses that EA along with Gamestop have been offering. For NCAA Football 10 it was an additional 13 Teambuilder slots, while Fight Night Round 4 and Madden 10 offered early or extended demos. With the release of NHL 10 approaching the bonus for that game has been revealed.
Reserve NHL 10 and get the in-game Kane-Bauer boost Pack. Patrick Kane’s Authentic Bauer Gloves, Skates and Stick. Plus a 9 point boost for your be a pro o...
Patches for FNR4 and UFC 2009 Now Out
Both Fight Night Round 4 and UFC 2009 Undisputed have received their first patches for the 360. The PS3 will be seeing those same patches arrive in the near future. That will be Thursday August 6th for Fight Night but no date has been communicated for UFC. Continue on for the full list of changes. Leave your thoughts on the patches in the comments!
NBA Live and NHL Soundtracks
The official soundtracks for NBA Live 10 and NHL 10 have also been revealed. While they are no where near as influential as Madden there is still a great deal of interest from artists looking for added exposure. I'm far less familiar with the artists on these soundtracks and the one for Live seems light on songs so maybe more will ended up being added before release. Continue on to check out the soundtracks for both games and leave your thoughts in the comments.