Another Patch for FIFA 13 Coming Soon
On the heels of an extensive patch for FIFA 13 that released less than two weeks ago EA Sports has announced yet another update is expected to roll out soon. The patch has already released for the PC and is currently in the testing phase for the 360 and PS3. Continue on for a look at what will be addressed in the upcoming patch. (more…)...
FIFA 13 Continues to Shatter Sales Records
The past three years have brought about unprecedented growth in sales for the FIFA franchise. Each iteration (both worldwide and in North America) has set new high sales marks only to have them obliterated by the next year's release. That continues with FIFA 13 which opened huge and has continued to expand beyond even the most optimistic of expectations. (more…)...
Huge Deal on FIFA 13 Today
Amazon is holding a day chock full of video game deals and are featuring FIFA 13 as the featured "Deal of the Day". FIFA 13 for the Xbox 360 or PS3 is only $40 through midnight.
This is definitely a deal worth considering for those interested in FIFA 13 who haven't picked it up as it's unquestionably one of the best sports games of the year. At $40 it represents the lowest the game has been available for and it probably won't be found for much cheaper (if at all) by waiting around longer ...
FIFA 13 Missing Some Features on Wii U
While some compromises are expected with launch titles for new systems there have been so many associated with new hardware launches that products have become far more limited in their appeal. With the Wii U there will will of course be features unique to the system for games like Madden NFL 13, NBA 2K13, and FIFA 13 but they'll also be lacking some that are found on the Xbox 360 and PS3. Just a few examples as it relates to Madden 13 is the lack of the "Infinity engine" physics or Ultimate ...
Expanded Patch for FIFA 13 Out Now
The latest patch for FIFA 13, which was initially expected out last weekend, arrived today for the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC. An issue held up the release of the patch and given the extra time EA Sports was able to include some additional fixes to those previously reported. Continue on for the now complete list of areas addressed in the latest game update for FIFA 13. (more…)...
SmartGlass Launching This Month; Sports Games Look to Capitalize
Microsoft back at their E3 press conference announced SmartGlass - an app which turns phones and tablets into second screens that communicate with the Xbox 360. Madden NFL 13 was part of the demonstration as plays were selected and even drawn up right on the touch screen and then sent to the game. Since that initial announcement EA Sports has expressed their excitement for the app and it's potential. (more…)...
Led By Madden NFL 13 EA Sports Takes Four of Top Ten Sales Spots in September
It's was a huge month for EA Sports with official NPD sales numbers arriving and four of the top ten titles for September coming from the company. Madden NFL 13 finished in 1st, FIFA 13 in 3rd, NHL 13 in 6th, and NCAA Football 13 in 8th. Only NCAA 13 has seen a drop in sales year-over-year while the others have produced noteworthy gains. (more…)...
FIFA 13 Patch Due Out This Weekend
A patch for FIFA 13 is scheduled to arrive this coming weekend for the Xbox 360 and PS3 and has already rolled out for the PC. The update addresses some issues as identified through consumer feedback including instances of getting stuck on the practice field after initial connection to a Seasons game and various stability problems in Career mode. Continue on for a look at everything receiving attention in the latest patch for FIFA 13. (more…)...