THQ Blames Poor UFC Sales on RDR
Sales of UFC 2010 Undisputed have been very disappointing for THQ this year, with them having fallen 59% year-over-year for the first month. A number of factors for the tumble can be contemplated however THQ believes it is due to the release of Red Dead Redemption, which crushed with huge sales. It released one week before UFC 2010.
In an interview with MCV, THQ's UK marketing director had the following to say:Â "Our sales were softer than where we would have liked them to be," Rooke told M...
UFC 2010 Takes Huge Tumble in Sales
Last month it was reported that UFC 2010 Undisputed was selling below expectations. Even considering that no one could have imagined just how severely sales had dropped off from the series debut of UFC 2009. Now the official sales numbers from NPD have come through to make it apparent that not only did it sell below expectations but relatively speaking it bombed.
In May UFC 2010 sold 222,100 copies on the 360 and 192,300 on the PS3 for a total of 414,400 coming in 4th and 5th place respecti...
Patch for UFC 2010 Now Available (360)
The UFC 2010 Undisputed patch that arrived earlier this week for the PS3 went live for the 360 today. Response towards the patch from the PS3 side has ranged from being marginally positive to largely indifferent. As suspected the issues at release seems to have really dampened excitement around the title in general. Despite the relatively impressive turnaround on the patch taking just a month it may end up being too little too late.
Continue on for the patch list which highlights the main a...
Patch for UFC 2010 Now Available (PS3)
The highly anticipated patch for UFC 2010 Undisputed arrived on PS3 today and the expectation is that it will be out on the 360 later this week or early next week. All things considered a month turnaround on a significant patch of this nature is an impressive and hopefully the response is a sign of things to come from the series. Despite that it will probably do little to wipe away the memories of all the problems that plagued gamers around release.
Continue on for the patch list which high...
Patch for UFC 2010 Close To Being Submitted
Much has been said about all the major issues with UFC 2010 Undisputed and subsequently the disappointing sales that have followed. Now in a tough spot THQ has at least been responsive in regards to fixing some of those issues that have plagued the game and frustrated its fans. Online play has improved some and gameplay problems have been under the spotlight.
In a post on the community site it is stated that a patch is being worked on with plans to submit it to Microsoft and Sony for certif...
UFC 2010 Selling Below Expectations
Last year UFC 2009 broke onto the scene with huge sales numbers exceeding even the most optimistic of expectations. The game went on to be the highest selling sports title in the US behind only Madden 10. UFC 2009 seemed to catch gamers by surprise with its demo and then an impressive final product (particularly for a first attempt) which and in turn led to fantastic word-of-mouth carrying it beyond just hardcore UFC fans. UFC 2010 Undisputed arrived without the benefit of that surprise factor...
Update on UFC 2010 Issues
Though the early days have been rough for the sophomore year of the UFC franchise a response to some of the issues being had recently arrived and provides some hope for a turnaround. Through a posting on the UFC 2010 Undipsuted community site troubling areas with the game such as online stability, exploits, and feedback related gameplay fixes are discussed.
Top critical issues such as Super CAF's with respect to point distribution methods, Lyoto's instant-takedown (and all others like it), ...
UFC 2010 Online Seeing Some Improvement
After two tumultuous days we may finally be seeing the first signs that UFC 2010 Undisputed is turning things around with its online play. As detailed on release day the issues with lag, connecting into fights, the Fight Camps feature, and troubles in other areas were creating unrest in the community. That may be easing up a bit as of this afternoon.