Archive for the ‘UFC’ Category
  • Royce Gracie Added to Pre-Order Incentive for EA Sports UFC
    Posted April 22nd, 2014 at 9:15 am 5 Comments »
    Those who pre-order EA Sports UFC will have the opportunity to get more than just Bruce Lee unlocked for use immediately. UFC legend Royce Gracie will be included in the pre-order bonus for the game as well - though which specific retailers will have him has not been made completely clear by EA. As is the case with Lee, Gracie can also be unlocked by completing Career mode for those who don't get the game day one. Gracie makes for a much easier sell to hardcore fans of the UFC as the rea...
  • Bruce Lee Could Provide Boost to EA Sports UFC Sales Despite Mixed Reaction
    Posted April 16th, 2014 at 12:15 pm 5 Comments »
    Earlier this month Bruce Lee was announced as an addition to the roster of EA Sports UFC. He'll be available to fight with in four different weight classes and can be obtained as a pre-order bonus or by "completing" Career mode. The announcement was polarizing and the poll posted recently collected over 3600 votes on the subject. The results confirm what was initially suspected - the decision to add Lee to the game will prove a net win for EA even though the news wasn't universally loved...
  • How Much Does The Bruce Lee Addition Matter to EA Sports UFC?
    Posted April 12th, 2014 at 1:30 pm 5 Comments »
    The announcement of Bruce Lee being available as a playable fighter in EA Sports UFC prompted two distinct responses. Some felt it was a huge deal and could sway them to buy the product, while others thought it was silly that someone with no association to the UFC and who didn't really take part in competitive fighting would be included and heavily promoted for the game. The latter group would be unlikely pass on buying due to the news - the only way it would be harmful is if he was selectab...
  • Demo Confirmed for EA Sports UFC
    Posted April 9th, 2014 at 3:15 pm 1 Comment »
    EA Sports has now confirmed that there will be a pre-release demo for the upcoming UFC title. No date has been announced but in the past the company has released demos for NCAA Football around the same time period. In regards to UFC a potential conflict exists in that E3 takes place the week prior to the game's release. In recent years a demo has gone out for NCAA a week before or after E3 (which begins this year June 10th) but in the case of NCAA 13 it actually coincided with the first ...
  • EA Sports UFC Roster To Feature Bruce Lee; Release Date Set for June 17
    Posted April 7th, 2014 at 1:00 am 9 Comments »
    EA Sports has been teasing the addition of a mystery fighter for the upcoming launch of the UFC franchise and the clues made it immediately obvious that it would be Bruce Lee. Today the company confirmed that Lee will be on the roster available immediately to those who pre-order (unlockable by completing Career mode for those who don't) and playable in four different weight classes (Fly, Bantam, Feather, Light). The deal is being offered through all retailers including Amazon however nothin...
  • Press Row Hangout Clip: No Fighter Share in EA Sports UFC
    Posted April 2nd, 2014 at 1:15 pm 6 Comments »
    In the final clip from the most recent Press Row Hangout the panel discusses the news from EA Sports that the upcoming UFC game won't have a "Fighter Share" feature. Past titles from the company including EA MMA and Fight Night have included the ability to create fighters and then share them online for others to download but potential litigation is now scaring companies away from support for that type of freedom. ComplexEmbed.Application.initialize({cId: "RmdmxrbDp8kf3Rq_7OufiU_XrBvyzcE4"...
  • EA Sports UFC Won’t Offer The Ability To Share Created Fighters
    Posted March 28th, 2014 at 1:45 pm 10 Comments »
    In an interview with MMA Junkie, EA Sports has confirmed there will be no "Fighter Share" feature in the upcoming launch of the UFC franchise. This deviates from the company's boxing games which have included the ability to create fighters and even use Game Face - which allows for taking actual photographs to craft a likeness - with the ability to upload the finished products for others to retrieve through "Boxer Share". (more…)...
  • More on EA Sports UFC Gameplay Features
    Posted March 26th, 2014 at 3:45 pm 4 Comments »
    At last June's E3 eight core gameplay features were revealed by EA Sports for their first UFC title. Quite a lot of time passed - understandable given there was about a year until expected release at that point - before the company followed up with some more significant news on the game. A trailer was recently released going over many of those same concepts and now more detailed descriptions of those areas have been provided.  (more…)...