Archive for the ‘Misc Sports Gaming’ Category
  • How Much Interest Is There In The Ultimate Edition of EA Sports Games?
    Posted July 2nd, 2014 at 12:00 pm 14 Comments
    EA Sports officially announced the Ultimate Editions of Madden NFL 15, NHL 15, and FIFA 15 this week - though the details on them had been posted three weeks earlier by retailers. For $10 over the standard price consumers will receive up to $40 in Ultimate Team content. They'll only get the full value of that however by sticking through the 10 weeks (Madden), 25 weeks (NHL), and 40 weeks (FIFA) in which the packs will be distributed. This is the first time the company has attempted to lev...
  • O’Bannon Case is Over; Resolution and Ramifications Still A Long Ways Away
    Posted June 28th, 2014 at 1:15 pm 3 Comments
    The case that could change the landscape of college athletics, and was the catalyst that led to the cancellation of the NCAA Football series, has come to a conclusion. The decision in Ed O'Bannon v. NCAA is now fully in the hands of U.S. District Judge Claudia Wilken who is expected to make the ruling in August. Throughout the trial observers noted the plaintiffs were dominating the proceedings, and that it seemed as though the NCAA was more concerned with cultivating arguments for appea...
  • NHL 15 Exits E3 In Strengthened Position; PGA Tour Sunk By Its Appearance
    Posted June 20th, 2014 at 11:00 am 7 Comments
    While E3 last week predictably offered no bombshells EA Sports rolled out the first looks at four upcoming titles and offered some additional information on each. Nearly 4,000 voters chimed in on each poll that was posted following the event regarding the games that most and least impressed them with their showings.  (more…)...
  • EA Sports Hopes To Make College Football and Basketball Games in the Future
    Posted June 19th, 2014 at 5:15 pm 24 Comments
    In testimony earlier this week in the Ed O'Bannon case vs the NCAA, an Electronic Arts representative expressed the desire the company has to develop college-based video games in the future. Joel Linzner, EVP of Business & Legal, stated EA would be "very interested in acquiring the rights" of players to use in the games. Of course this would require the NCAA to remove most if not all restrictions on the "amateur" status of athletes which is what the class action suit is attempting to...
  • Limited Game Sharing Could Be A Realistic Option for Sports Franchises
    Posted June 16th, 2014 at 12:30 pm 5 Comments
    One of the biggest surprise announcements of E3 came out of the Sony press conference relating to Far Cry 4. Those who own the game will be able to invite friends to play co-op along with them, even when they don't own the game themselves. Remembering back to the initial PlayStation 4 announcement Sony raised the idea of a feature where friends could not just spectate but participate without owning the games and that is starting to come to fruition now. The thinking behind this feature co...
  • What Game Moved Anticipation Wise Up or Down Most From E3 Showings?
    Posted June 14th, 2014 at 12:00 pm 14 Comments
    In what was a relatively uneventful E3, EA Sports pushed its slate of upcoming titles by focusing mostly on the fundamentals instead of hyperbole. Madden NFL 15, FIFA 15, NHL 15, and PGA Tour all debuted new trailers, appeared at the Electronic Arts press conference, and had additional feature details released. Madden went heavy on defense accompanied by some gimmicky visual indicators and new cameras. There was also info on aspects like QB accuracy finally mattering and long overdue pres...
  • Ultimate Edition Details Listed for Upcoming EA Sports Games
    Posted June 11th, 2014 at 11:15 am 1 Comment
    Early retail postings suggested Madden NFL 15, NHL 15, and FIFA 15 would have special editions. That has turned out to be the "Ultimate Edition" of each which offers up significant Ultimate Team content for $10 more. Now some details on those have surfaced.  (more…)...
  • EA Eyeing All-Digital Future
    Posted May 21st, 2014 at 4:30 pm 23 Comments
    The transition from physical discs to digital downloads isn't advancing quite as fast as publishers, Microsoft, and Sony had hoped but that doesn't mean the ultimate goal has changed. In the recent financial call regarding last quarter, Electronic Arts CFO Blake Jorgensen discussed digital growth for the company and the desire to reach an all-digital future.  (more…)...