Achievements for All-Pro Football 2K8
The full list of Xbox 360 achievements for All-Pro Football 2K8 has made its way out. It consists of 50 achievements totaling the 1000 points. It looks like a pretty good set, with a nice mix of offline vs online and setting records vs completing tasks. One thing to wonder though is on those such as "set a single game record for receiving yards" what record are they using? I can't imagine they could use NFL records. Click here to view the full list....
EA Sports to make another NFL licensed game
EA Sports announced that they will be developing a brand new officially licensed game, NFL Tour. It will be available on the Xbox 360 and PS3. NFL Tour is a new NFL licensed video game that offers players a fun and engaging experience with the NFL and its talented players. Gamers will be able to embark on a fictional NFL road show. With real NFL players as teammates, players will travel across the country to play against each of the NFL teams in newly designed stadiums. As players defeat each ...
First highlight video from NCAA Football 08 demo
Here is the first highlight video I put together with footage from the NCAA Football demo. Keep in mind this was completed at just about 3:45am so I question how good it might be. Regardless I hope you guys enjoy it. I'll keep doing videos over the coming days as well as posting my full impressions of the demo along with some screenshots.
Demo for NCAA Football 08 now available on Xbox 360 Marketplace
The demo for NCAA Football 08 can now be downloaded from the 360 Marketplace. It is unknown when or even if the PS3 will see a demo for the game. Michigan visits USC in a full game consisting of 2 minute quarters on Varsity difficulty. There is no play-by-play audio in order to shorten the demo download time. It comes in at 684 MB. Check back to for full impressions, videos, and screenshots from the demo. ...
First look at the Wii version of NBA Live 08
IGN has posted a preview of NBA Live 08 for the Wii. What they saw was early in development, but they seem encouraged by the direction it is going. Personally I don't really see basketball as a game that will work all that well with the Wii controls. The shooting matches up, but so much of the game relies on quick reaction time and precision. It's hard to imagine all the other elements in a basketball game fitting in seamlessly to offer a satisfying 5 on 5 experience. Of course I would ...
Update on the expected demos
In conjunction with E3 will come the release of numerous demos. Of those that are expected, the most likely sports titles are NCAA Football 08 and All-Pro Football 2K8. If you want a long shot it could be Nascar 08. Updates are below as of 7/12. Also as I've noted before, don't be surprised if one or both are released only for the Xbox 360 and not for the PS3. NCAA Football 08: Demo has been released on the 360 Marketplace. All-Pro Football 2K8: Demo is expected "within t...
NCAA Football 08: Top 25 teams
The list of the top 25 teams in NCAA Football 08 has been revealed. 25) Boston College 24) Texas A&M 23) Boise State 22) TCU 21) Florida State (more…)...
More NBA Live 08 screenshots and hands-on
Gamespot has posted up several new screens from NBA Live 08. Click here for the full set. Could this McGrady one be the best sports game screenshot ever released? I think it might be. Click the image above to view it at full size. They've also posted up their hands-on impressions. EA has added a few more draft related screenshots. A second of Kevin Durant and one featuring Al Horford. The Horford one displays the Atlanta Hawks new jerseys. Head over to the official NBA L...