Archive for the ‘Football’ Category
  • Madden NFL 21 Next-Gen Details and Trailer
    Posted November 18th, 2020 at 10:00 am 1 Comment
    With only a few weeks until release EA Sports today began the marketing push for Madden NFL 21 on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. The game earlier was moved to a December 4 release missing the launch of the new systems. A new trailer today shows off what to expect visually while going further into some of the improvements to expect beyond that. (more…)...
  • The first of three significant Franchise updates for Madden NFL 21
    Posted November 12th, 2020 at 12:45 pm 3 Comments
    The campaign to #FixMaddenFranchise made a tremendous impact but effects would not be realized immediately. It was always going to take time to upgrade Franchise Mode in Madden NFL 21, and those gains would be somewhat limited, with the more transformational improvements and additions hopefully coming in Madden 22. The first of three planned updates largely centered on improving Franchise in Madden NFL 21 released today. It includes regression in Dev Traits, career stats for players, and ...
  • Next-gen Madden and FIFA pushed back
    Posted October 27th, 2020 at 7:00 am 6 Comments
    Madden NFL 21 and FIFA 21 will miss the launch of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. Release of both games will instead come on Friday, December 4. Speculation had started to build of a possible delay or even cancellation as launch of the new consoles neared and yet EA Sports would not comment on why they were not promoting the games or even selling pre-orders. This is surprising news given that Madden and FIFA (unlike NBA 2K21) are not expected to be dramatically different than what...
  • Deal on Madden NFL 21 will get you next-gen for cheap
    Posted October 13th, 2020 at 8:30 am 4 Comments
    Thanks to the dual-entitlement offered by EA Sports those making the move from current-to-next gen with Madden or FIFA can get the game on the new systems for free. Those who own the game on the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One can upgrade without charge, though it can be a little confusing as to how that works. PlayStation 4 copies only upgrade to PlayStation 5. Xbox One copies only upgrade to Xbox Series X or Series S. Digital will upgrade to digital. Physical copies will need to be inserted i...
  • Press Row Podcast: NBA 2K21 Shooting Woes and Madden NFL 21 News
    Posted September 9th, 2020 at 9:45 am No Comments
    Despite the current NBA season still ongoing and the next one several months away from tipping off NBA 2K21 has just released and to the lowest review scores in series' history. But it's the changes that have been made to shooting that have caused the biggest disruption. What's been done, why it was messed with in the first place, and how it can be fixed are all discussed on this episode of the Press Row Podcast. Rich, Pastapadre, and Mills also go over the latest patch news for Madden NF...
  • Details on a third patch coming down the line for Madden NFL 21
    Posted August 31st, 2020 at 4:45 pm 5 Comments
    With the chatter around Madden NFL 21 the most negative in series' history EA Sports has provided details on an upcoming patch a full week and a half in advance of its targeted Sept. 10 release, with some intent likely about altering the discussion taking place. A pair of patches already tackled some of the early technical issues but much still remains on the table to be handled. This next one will not deliver promised new Franchise Mode features with the publisher now teasing info on pla...
  • Madden NFL 21 Review
    Posted August 28th, 2020 at 12:00 pm 12 Comments
    Between the ongoing pandemic and impending transition to new consoles Madden NFL 21 and other sports games this fall will have faced unprecedented challenges. Some of what that could mean has already been demonstrated with the release of Madden 21 which has stumbled out of the gate to the worst reviews in the 32 year history of the series. (more…)...
  • Early issues with Madden NFL 21 already being addressed
    Posted August 26th, 2020 at 6:30 pm 5 Comments
    EA Sports has already released one update for Madden NFL 21 with another patch scheduled to arrive by the end of the week. The fixes implemented are for things that severely impacted player's first impressions and made it appear obvious that the game was not quite ready for release. Those range from slowdown in the Ultimate Team menus, to missing players making The Yard quite literally unplayable, fields missing yard and slideline markings, and even the Seahawks being misspelled as the 'Seah...