Archive for the ‘Football’ Category
  • Madden 10 Wins Poll as Favorite Game of 2009
    Posted January 9th, 2010 at 3:00 pm 38 Comments
    Over the last two weeks votes have been coming in for the sports game that was most enjoyed in 2009. Over 5300 total votes had been cast at the time of publishing this article. That represents a significant number from a large cross-section of gamers and as such is a good indicator of general sentiment towards the titles. While UFC 2009 Undisputed topped my list it was Madden 10 that dominated the polling as the game that the most people considered their favorite of the year. (more…...
  • Madden 10 Roster Update #11 Details
    Posted January 8th, 2010 at 10:45 am 306 Comments
    The second to last roster update for Madden 10 is slated to arrive today (update: will arrive Saturday morning) for the 360 and PS3. Given that it has been a month since the last update and represents only the fourth update in the last 11 weeks the changes are significant. There will be one more this season which will arrive right before the Super Bowl. There has still be no word on when or even if there will be another update for Online Franchise which has been without one since October. S...
  • Madden Ultimate Team First Impressions
    Posted January 7th, 2010 at 5:40 pm 147 Comments
    EA Sports introduced the Ultimate Team idea with FIFA 09 and will be doing so again coming up for FIFA 10. However for Madden 10 the Ultimate Team mode is provided for free. This was a good move in that it allows everyone to try it out while on EA's end it increases the number of potential users who will be completing microtransactions to improve their teams. While the concept is great and the mode has some fun ideas it does end up feeling like the way to go is to pay money for the card pac...
  • Madden Ultimate Team Now Available
    Posted January 7th, 2010 at 12:06 pm 49 Comments
    The patch that adds in the free game mode Madden Ultimate Team has arrived for the 360 and PS3. When starting up Madden 10 the prompt to update will be given and after that the new menu option will be displayed in the game. I will be going through the mode today and have up some videos and impressions tonight or tomorrow. Until then feel free to leave your thoughts on Madden Ultimate Team in the comments! (more…)...
  • The Latest Backbreaker Trailer
    Posted January 6th, 2010 at 3:04 pm 32 Comments
    A brand new trailer has arrived for the upcoming Backbreaker football game. While little has been seen from the game since E3 there have been a few details discovered such as a potential April 27th release date and $50 price tag. Still the public has yet to see the game in action and this trailer is for the most part more of the same showing on-field high impact action but nothing from the gameplay perspective. Some concrete gameplay footage and extensive details on the game will be needed bef...
  • Madden Ultimate Team Arrives Tomorrow
    Posted January 6th, 2010 at 11:46 am 22 Comments
    Madden Ultimate Team, the downloadable game mode addition for Madden 10, will be available tomorrow for both the Xbox 360 and PS3. MUT will be free but because it is arriving as a patch and not downloadable content the exact time for when it is expected to go live is unknown. EA Sports has also released a tutorial video which provides a good overview of the mode. Continue on to check out the video and leave your thoughts in the comments. (more…)...
  • Week 17 Ratings Change Suggestions
    Posted January 5th, 2010 at 5:02 pm 294 Comments
    The next roster update for Madden 10 is finally set to arrive come Friday. This will be the second to last and the most significant considering the final one will adjust primarily only based on performance in the playoffs. Some teams have experienced nosedives since the last update and a few others have stepped up so there are some big changes to be made. Two players who have been mentioned in the last two articles deserve recognition yet again. Jamaal Charles and Jerome Harrison really eme...
  • #2 of 2009: Madden NFL 10
    Posted January 2nd, 2010 at 11:36 am 98 Comments
    The ranking of games in the best of 2009 list is based primarily on the personal amount of enjoyment had with a particular title. Some other factors include whether advertised features were fully delivered on, post-release support, community interaction and communication, overall gameplay experience, feature set, and online play performance. Again this is a personal take on the games. The analysis is weighted largely towards those which I had the most fun with while considering them as a who...