Archive for the ‘Football’ Category
  • NCAA Football 12 Named Rosters Available Now for PS3
    Posted July 12th, 2011 at 7:15 pm 82 Comments »
    Those with a PS3 and a copy of NCAA Football 12 will now be able to download a fully named roster file! In order to snag the rosters go to Team Management - Roster Share - Download Roster - Download Roster and then search the name GamingTailgate. Credit for the roster naming goes to BigWY over at The Gaming Tailgate. Make sure to save the file and manually load it up to see the changes take effect and to start a new franchise. No changes were made to the file besides assigning names ...
  • NCAA Football 12 Custom Playbook Troubles
    Posted July 12th, 2011 at 1:45 pm 80 Comments »
    After only a few hours of official release the first major problem with NCAA Football 12 has been discovered. The Custom Playbooks feature - one of the most anticipated additions to NCAA 12 - appears to have a serious glitch that may lead many to decide the current best course of action is to disregard the feature completely in order to avoid experiencing the issue. Many are now reporting situations where within games their created playbooks display nothing but question marks or empty for...
  • Your Thoughts on NCAA Football 12
    Posted July 12th, 2011 at 9:45 am 127 Comments »
    NCAA Football 12 officially arrives today! Check out the prerelease content below if you missed any of it. Online impressions and a 'Hits and Misses' review will come later this week. Named rosters appear to still be at least a day away from completion. When they are done I will immediately post about it with the names to grab them from in the roster share feature. Complete Impressions Road to Glory Impressions Set of Screenshots Second Set of Videos First Set of Videos Xbox 36...
  • NCAA Football 12 Road to Glory Impressions
    Posted July 11th, 2011 at 3:45 pm 82 Comments »
    Yesterday I posted my overall impressions of NCAA Football 12 and included some brief thoughts on Road to Glory mode. Largely neglected since debuting as 'Race for the Heisman' in NCAA Football 06 and also going by the 'Campus Legend' name for a few iterations the career mode now adds in motivating factors establishing more of an investment in progression for users however some underlying issues remain. (more…)...
  • Online Dynasty Owners Selected; Vote on Winning Teambuilder Design
    Posted July 11th, 2011 at 1:00 pm 30 Comments »
    With over 200 people expressing interest in joining the official Pastapadre Online Dynasty for NCAA Football 12 and and only 11 slots available it basically became an impossible process to distribute spots. Ultimately most hoping to play are going to end up being disappointed with the announcement so again I apologize to those who aren't on this initial list. Keep an eye out for openings however should owners need to be replaced. Those who signed up in that first rush will be considered as r...
  • Madden NFL 12 Hall of Fame Edition Now Eligible for Preorder Promotional Credit
    Posted July 11th, 2011 at 10:30 am 27 Comments »
    The article last week detailing the lack of value with the Madden NFL 12 Hall of Fame Collector's Edition sparked hot debate. Though many had already opined with their thoughts on the $30 difference in price for an autographed Marshall Faulk card and a pack of Madden Ultimate Team 'legend' cards what pushed it over the top was a promotional credit from Amazon and Walmart that at the time was only being offered on the standard versions. Now both retailers have extended their $20 preorder p...
  • NCAA Football 12 Impressions
    Posted July 10th, 2011 at 1:00 pm 154 Comments »
    NCAA Football 12 has experienced its share of ups and downs in the lead-up to its Tuesday release. The series continues to present one of the strongest feature sets amongst sports games and comes off a well-regarded iteration. It has stumbled in the last month or so however as EA Sports committed several missteps that hampered anticipation levels and followed that with notable indications of desperation on their part to build back some excitement. After spending an extensive amount of time a...
  • Second Set of NCAA Football 12 Videos
    Posted July 10th, 2011 at 10:50 am 21 Comments »
    While I continue putting together complete impressions on NCAA Football 12 - just a few hours away from posting - here is a second set of gameplay videos. Featured here is the State Championship game in Road to Glory and one of the first ones in college, Penn State at Pittsburgh in the snow, and Clemson at Minnesota. Continue on to check them out and leave any thoughts in the comments! (more…)...