Archive for the ‘Football’ Category
  • Just in time for the season to begin, the first deal on Madden NFL 19 (Digital, PS4)
    Posted September 6th, 2018 at 10:15 am 9 Comments
    The NFL season kicks off tonight and the first sale on Madden NFL 19 has arrived just in time for the occasion. The PlayStation Store is offering the game for just $40 to PlayStation Plus subscribers. This could very well be the lowest price for the game until Black Friday in late November when it'll be found for as low as $25. The deal comes just a month after the release on Madden NFL 19. That timeline for digital store and retailer sales isn't all that unusual for sports games these d...
  • Details on the first post-release patch for Madden NFL 19
    Posted August 21st, 2018 at 8:00 am 21 Comments
    While the day-one patch for Madden NFL 19 addressed feedback coming out of the series' first ever beta, today's update to Madden NFL 19 includes changes that respond to data collected since the game has been in the hands of consumers. There are some major improvements and fixes made, including a significant change to the Hit Stick, a reduction to dropped passes with possession catches, a fix to game speed in MUT Solo Battles, and the addition of a notification regarding what player has be...
  • Madden NFL Overdrive available now
    Posted August 14th, 2018 at 3:00 pm 6 Comments
    The latest update to the free-to-play mobile Madden game arrived today, completely changing the experience and also the name to Madden NFL Overdrive. Download it from iTunes for iOS devices and Google Play for Android devices. Those that already have Madden Mobile will just need to update the app. Overdrive features a brand new engine, real-time action against live opponents, a new points scoring system, and the removal of the stamina barrier. (more…)...
  • Details on the Madden NFL 19 Day One Patch
    Posted August 4th, 2018 at 1:45 pm 1 Comment
    The first patch for Madden NFL 19 has arrived in the final preparation ahead of the game's official launch, with those playing through EA and Origin Access getting to benefit already. The patch reflects a number of improvements and fixes but most notably it makes multiple changes based on the feedback that came out of Madden's first ever beta that was held in June. The changes primarily benefit gameplay and Franchise Mode, while the visuals have also been improved with updated likenesses ...
  • Press Row Podcast: Madden NFL 19 First Impressions
    Posted August 3rd, 2018 at 1:15 pm No Comments
    Madden NFL 19 has arrived for those with EA Access and Origin Access subscriptions and is now only days away from its official release. With his complete review out on Sporting News Pastapadre talks with Rich about the game including its strengths, weaknesses, and random observations. Franchise Mode, gameplay, presentation, graphics, Longshot, and much more are covered. A number of listener questions are also addressed. Additionally the controversy over EA Sports removing a reference to ...
  • Madden NFL 19 Review
    Posted August 1st, 2018 at 9:00 pm 31 Comments
    Madden NFL 19 is the first of EA Sports' suite of annual games to release in 2018, and as such is the first to feature the new Real Player Motion animation technology. Increased player control is at the heart of Madden 19, whether it be when competing on the field or when taking on the task of building a team as a coach/GM in Franchise Mode. Real Player Motion delivers some dynamic moments and is generally satisfying when controlling the ball-carrier. There's increased differentiation bet...
  • 10 hour trial for Madden NFL 19 now available through EA Access and Origin Access
    Posted August 1st, 2018 at 8:30 am 4 Comments
    Madden NFL 19 can now be downloaded as a timed trial with EA Access on Xbox One and for a trial or unlimited play with Origin Access on PC. Subscribers to the base service will get 10 hours of playtime after which it will expire. The timer is ticking down whenever the game is loaded regardless of whether it is being played, menus are being navigated through, or if there is any activity taking place at all. Because of that make sure to exit out and close the application from the Xbox One or O...
  • Soundtrack for Madden NFL 19
    Posted July 25th, 2018 at 3:30 pm 13 Comments
    EA Sports today revealed the full soundtrack for Madden NFL 19, which features 31 songs and the ability for there to be more added throughout the year. A Spotify playlist has been put together (listen here) but it includes only 17 of them at this time.  (more…)...